
Interests \ Movies \ Foreign\ Poland

Polish Films & Television

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My Favourite Polish Movies

  1. The Pianist (2002)
  2. Battle of Warsaw 1920 (1920 Bitwa Warszawska)
  3. Three Colors: White (1994)
  4. Three Colors: Blue (1993)
  5. Three Colors: Red (1994)

Polish Movies that I have watched

  • Battle of Warsaw 1920 (1920 Bitwa Warszawska)
  • Pianist, The (2002)
  • Three Colors: Blue (1993)
  • Three Colors: Red (1994)
  • Three Colors: White (1994)

Hard to say if the Three Colors Trilogy belongs here or in France.

Polish TV

  • Dekalog (1989)

Polish Movies that I have yet to Watch

  1. Ashes and Diamonds (1958)
  2. Austeria (1982)
  3. Bad Luck (Zezowate szczescie) (1960)
  4. Barrier (Bariera) (1966)
  5. Beads of One Rosary (Paciorki jednego rózanca) (1980)
  6. Black Salt of the Earth (Sól ziemi czarnej) (1970)
  7. Blind Chance (1981)
  8. Border Street (Ulica Graniczna) (1948)
  9. By the River, Where there is no (Nad rzeka, której nie ma) (1991)
  10. Camera Buff (1979)
  11. Camouflage (Barwy ochronne) (1977)
  12. Chills (Dreszcze) (1981)
  13. Christening, The (Chrzest) (2010)
  14. Colonel Kwiatkowski (Pulkownik Kwiatkowski) (1995)
  15. Cross of Valour (Krzyz Walecznych) (1959)
  16. Crows (Wrony) (1994)
  17. Dark House, The (2009)
  18. Day of the Wacko (2002)
  19. Death of the President (Smierc prezydenta) (1977)
  20. Debt, The (1999)
  21. Double Life of Veronique, The (La Double Vie De Veronique) (1991)
  22. Dowry (Wiano) (1964)
  23. Egotists (Egoisci) (2000)
  24. Emergency Exit (Wyjscie awaryjne) (1982)
  25. Erratum (2010)
  26. Escape from the Movie "Freedom" (Ucieczka z kina 'Wolnosc') (1990)
  27. Eve Wants to Sleep (Ewa chce spac) (1958)
  28. Everything for Sale (Wszystko na sprzedaz) (1969)
  29. Farewell (Pozegnania) (1958)
  30. Few People, a Little Time, A (2005)
  31. Flood (Potop) (1974)
  32. For unmarried girls (Dziewczyny do wziecia) (1972)
  33. Four Nights with Anna (2008)
  34. Gorgon Case, The (Sprawa Gorgonowej) (1977)
  35. Guru, The (Za sciana) (1971)
  36. Hands Up (Rece do góry) (1981)
  37. Hi Tessa (2001)
  38. Hourglass Sanatorium (Sanatorium pod klepsydra) (1973)
  39. House of Fools, The (1985)
  40. How far Herds, How Close (Jak daleko stad, jak blisko) (1972)
  41. How to be Loved (Jak byc kochana) (1963)
  42. Hunting Flies (Polowanie na muchy) (1969)
  43. I Am (2005)
  44. Illumination, The (1973)
  45. Innocent Sorcerers (Niewinni czarodzieje) (1960)
  46. Interrogation (Przeskuchanie) (1989)
  47. Johnnie Waterman (1993)
  48. Just the Forest (Jeszcze tylko ten las) (1991)
  49. Kanal (1957)
  50. Knife in the Water (1962)
  51. Knights of the Black Cross (Krzyzacy) (1960)
  52. Konopielka (1982)
  53. Korczak (1990)
  54. Landscape After the Battle (Krajobraz po bitwie) (1970)
  55. Last Day of Summer (Ostatni dzien lata) (1958)
  56. Last Stage, The (Ostatni etap) (1948)
  57. Leaves have fallen from the Trees, The (Opadly liscie z drzew) (1975)
  58. Life As a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease (2000)
  59. Life of Matthew (Zywot Mateusza) (1968)
  60. Loop (Petla) (1958)
  61. Love Stories (Historie milosne) (1997)
  62. Magnat (1987)
  63. Maids of Wilco, The (Panny z Wilka) (1979)
  64. Man of Iron (Czlowiek z zelaza) (1981)
  65. Man of Marble (1977)
  66. Minister Dancing, The (Pani minister tanczy) (1937)
  67. Mother Joan of the Angels (Matka Joanna od aniolów) (1961)
  68. Mother of Kings (Matka Królów) (1987)
  69. Night Train (1959)
  70. Nights and Days (Noce i dnie) (1975)
  71. Ownership (Stan posiadania) (1989)
  72. Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania (1999)
  73. Passenger (Pasazerka) (1963)
  74. Pendulum (Wahadelko) (1981)
  75. Personel (1976)
  76. Pigs (1992)
  77. Promised Land, The (1975)
  78. Przypadek Pekosinskiego (1993)
  79. Quarterly Balance (Bilans kwartalny) (1975)
  80. Reverse, The (2009)
  81. Reverted (1994)
  82. Rewiry Enchanted (Zaklete rewiry) (1975)
  83. Rose (2011)
  84. Saragossa Manuscript, The (1965)
  85. Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) (2006)
  86. Scratch (2008)
  87. Screen Tests (Zdjecia próbne) (1977)
  88. Sexmission (1984)
  89. Short Film About Killing, A (1988)
  90. Short Film About Love, A (1988)
  91. Somersault (Salto) (1965)
  92. Sons and Comrades (1986)
  93. Spindle Time (Wrzeciono czasu) (1995)
  94. Spirala (1978)
  95. Squint Your Eyes (2002)
  96. Sunday's Play (Niedzielne igraszki) (1987)
  97. Sweet Rush (Tatarak) (2009)
  98. Tale of Adam Mickiewicz's 'Forefathers' Eve', A (1989)
  99. Teddy Bear (1981)
  100. Third Part of the Night, The (1971)
  101. Time to Die (2007)
  102. Top Dog (Wodzirej) (1978)
  103. Treasury (Skarb) (1949)
  104. Tricks (2007)
  105. Two Moons (Dwa ksiezyce) (1993)
  106. Wanted, him and her (Poszukiwany - poszukiwana) (1973)
  107. We're All Christs (Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami) (2006)
  108. Wedding, The (Wesele) (1973)
  109. Wedding, The (Wesele) (2004)
  110. Without Anesthesia (Bez znieczulenia) (1978)
  111. Wojaczek (1999)
  112. Woman Alone, A (Kobieta samotna) (1981)
  113. Woody and Others (Chudy i inni) (1967)
  114. Year of the Quiet Sun, A (1984)