The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk

Rating: T

Score  7.0/10

              Loosely based on the movie of the same name, The Incredible Hulk is another movie turned into a video game.  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

             Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard of The Incredible Hulk.  If not, here’s the bulletin.  The Hulk is Bruce Banner, a scientist who, when angered, transforms in to a giant, raging monster.  The movie was based on the story of Bruce Banner wanting to cure himself, but the game is not.  There are a few spots where it relates to the movie, but it is a unique Incredible Hulk game, not a copy of the new Incredible Hulk movie.  That’s not a bad thing though.

             The Hulk games are famous for making destruction fun, so much fun that most people play the game just to destroy cities and throw cars.  This game lets you destroy stuff with limitations.  Cars can’t be rippled in half or used as gloves but they can be thrown at buildings!   Most anything can be thrown, but because of game flaws, it’s not very credible.  When you throw something at a building, it sticks there.  No marks on the building, it just…sticks there.  Gamers will assume it hit the building and got stuck but a visual assurance would have helped!

             Like in The Incredible Hulk:  Ultimate Destruction, buildings can be destroyed but now you can destroy all the buildings.  After all this destruction, you’ll have cops after you.  At first, they are not a threat.  Armed with small guns, the police are weak and only a nuisance.  Afterwards, you’ll get tanks and big guys in armor that pose more of a threat, but they are still puny and nothing compared to the Hulk.

             Even if you have severe damage, you can still use the new feature that turns the Hulk’s anger into a weapon!  You can heal yourself with it, attack with it and more.  Because of this, dying in this game is not caused by lack of skill, but lack of intelligence.

             There are limited combos in this game, but it doesn’t matter that much.  After a while, you orbit around combos you like the best.  Other than the lack of an amazing story, or better yet, one that followed the movie the game was supposed to be based on, this game suffers multiple small flaws.

             One flaw is the fact the Hulk can only see a small distance and everything else outside his vision is just blue.  There’s a lot to do in this game, like collecting over 200 small power-ups and multiple landmark coins, not to mention destroying stuff alone is hours of fun. 

            Despite the flaws in the game, it’s still good.  Not as incredible as the movie though.