Prince Of Persia

Prince of Persia

Rating T

Score:  8.0/10


             After completing the Prince of Persia trilogy, the game designers chose to take their series in a whole new direction.  The series; new direction includes a new prince, new sidekick, and a new story.  Does it surpass its previous installments?  This game is available on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.

             The story is far from simplistic.  You play as the Prince, an average guy with excellent skills in sword fighting and thievery.   He isn’t actual royalty, he simply names himself Prince.

             After losing his donkey in the desert on his way home, he finds an unknown girl running from multiple guards.  Deciding he can’t just leave her to die, he fights off the guards.  The unknown girl, named Erika, tries to run away from him, fearing the guards would think she and the Prince were working together, but it’s too late.  Realizing the guards are after them both now, he decides he’ll tag along with Erika to protect her while he finds his donkey.  After Erika’s father breaks the seal to a chaos god imprisoned for over 3,000 years, Erika, with help from Prince, must find the power of the gods, save fertile grounds, and save the world from the deep, horrible evil that not haunts it. 

             While it’s not the best story ever, it’s far better than most games with little or no story.  The game designers agreed beforehand to make a character with a good heart, but who never thought he was ever going to save the world, which is exactly the character illustrated in the game.

             The gameplay is excellent.  The Prince, being a thief, can wall-jump, wall-run, and perform other acrobatic moves.  Erika can perform the same moves easily and can help the Prince reach higher ledges with a little magic.  Erika will save the Prince from dying if he ever falls or is otherwise in peril.

             Besides the amazingly fun, although slightly repetitive ninja-like platforming, you also battle bosses.  You battle the same boxes multiple times.  Battles consist of moving, and executing four different attacks: sword, grapple, acrobatic and magic (using Erika’s help).  Stringing them together will help you defeat tougher bosses.  The battles are fun as well, but there are very few.  This is unusual, since the previous games had plenty of enemies.

             After you beat the game, you’ve completed Prince of Persia.  The game is pretty easy to beat too.  It’s a great game while it lasts.  I can’t wait for the next installment, if there is going to be one.