Community Rating (The Xbox Live Marketplace way of rating games):

Violence = 2/3

Sex= 0/3

Mature Content= 1/3

Score: 8.0/10

                The Xbox Live Marketplace is full of hit-or-miss indie titles. From silly avatar drops to full RC Airplane simulations, you'll find just about everything. Did you know that I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMB1ES 1NIT!!!1 is the most popular of the indie titles? Yep, but what does I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMB1ES 1NIT!!!1 display that is so original? Well, little, it's just does something mostly all gamers love: survives a zombie apocalypse with your friends.

                So what is it about the zombie apocalypse that most gamers love? Maybe the fact they have an infinite army to fight, maybe the very simple objective of a zombie, who knows? Whatever the reason, zombie apocalypses are virtually everywhere. Left 4 Dead, Call Of Duty: World At War, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil are all well-known zombie games that gamers love, especially the co-op for the two former. So, what's wrong with a simple, 2-D, top-down view, 4-Player Co-Op zombie apocalypse like I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMB1ES 1NIT!!!1? Nothing!

                It's just as simple as it sounds. Play alone or with friends, shoot some zombies, beat the game. Throughout the game, you'll find multiple weapons to help you, but if you run out of ammo you always have your machine gun/pistol/unnameable invisible gun that shoots the standard pellets slowly. You can also find power-ups that grant you immunity to damage and extra life.

                The farther into the game you explore, the more chaotic the backgrounds and enemies become. The combination of flashing colors and billions of zombies is, well, like playing Left 4 Dead on LSD. The backgrounds range from simple, plain colors you can see the zombies on, to colors that mask some enemies, to bright, flashing, distracting colors that become quite relentless. When all is said and done, and all those zombies have had their brains successfully removed with a high-powered rifle, you and your friends can enjoy your sense of accomplishment, after roughly 15 minutes of play.

                So it's a short, but sweet game. Little content, but lots of fun, if only for an afternoon or two. It just goes to show that (most) popular things are popular for a reason: because they’re good, or because Edward Cullen stars in them.