Deca Sports

Deca Sports

Rating: E

Score: 3.0


It’s still summer time! Should you play sports on this game or simply play the real stuff? This game is only available on the Nintendo Wii.


If you have a Nintendo Wii, you have Wii Sports: a fun and simple compilation of the greatest sports. Deca Sports is a lot like Wii Sports; expect these games aren’t the greatest sports. Since when is racing in go-karts a sport? Since there is ten sports games, I’ll review each separately.


Archery is a fun game, needing a steady hand and a skilled eye, but it’s repetitive. Every shot is exactly like the last. Shoot, score, shoot, score, shoot, score, win.


Badminton is a lame excuse for a Wii Sports’ tennis rip-off. Hit the birdie when it glows red to instantly score a point.


Basketball is a completely stripped down version of real basketball. You can only steal, pass, run, and dunk. Not to mention the ball must be full of lead, since you run so much slower dribbling it.


Beach volleyball is badminton without the racket or birdie, instead with a beach ball. Hit the ball when it glows red for the instant point.


Curling is curling: Throw, sweep, and repeat.


Figure Skating needs no comment. It’s repetitive and long.


Soccer is exactly like basketball, but with your feet. You might be able to head butt the ball in the net, but good luck with that.


Go Kart Racing is actually pretty fun, but is so simplified that it’s repetitive.


Snowboarding could have been good, if you could have done trick, control your player, or play on more than three tracks.


…Same thing for Supercross. Three tracks, can’t do tricks, nor control your player.


There’s every game in Deca Sports in a nutshell. I only have a few general complains. First is that you can’t you’re Mii. (Small, innocent-looking version of you on your Nintendo Wii) All the game designers needed to do was let your Mii’s face be slapped onto any of the crazy looking normal Miis. Another one of complains of mine is that the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) of the other players is so lacking. It’s way to easy to win everything all the time.


It’s not as good as Wii Sports, and theres little fun to be had. The A.I. is always questionable at best, and many “sports” in this game are exactly like “sports” already in this game or in Wii Sports. You’re better of spending your money on real sports equipment.