Mario and Sonic and the Olympic Games

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Rating E

Score:  5.5/10


             The 2008 Olympics at Beijing are coming up, and Nintendo’s two most famous mascots, Mario and Sonic, are going to do their best to win gold!  This game is exclusive to the Wii.

             Even at first glance, you can tell what kind of game this is going to be.  All Olympic Games in a video game format end up being fun for an hour or so, but then it gets boring, playing the same games, over and over again.

             Though Nintendo tries some unique ways to make that not the case, every game eventually gets stale.  On the bright side, all your favorite Olympic games are here, including the 400m run, the smaller 100m run, swimming, fencing, archery, gymnastics, shooting, and canoeing.  Any of these, and all of the remaining games, can be played with 16 different characters, each with their own statistics.

             For example, Sonic is fast, but very weak, while Mario is perfectly balanced.  There are also extra mini-games; but unfortunately, those mini-games get dull too, although winning them earns you retro music.

             It was a great idea to bring two of the greatest video game mascots together but not in the Olympics.  If you have a friend, this game can be pretty fun for a while, but it’s not worth buying.  It gets stale much too fast.