Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D

Rating: E10+

Score: 10/10

                Memory test: how many people remember my 2 years service/100th column? In that, I listed my favorite games, and "Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" was one. Now, there's been a remake on the 3DS, so what could possibly go wrong? Then again, can a game thirteen years old be good again and re-introduced when some of the "new" features, because of the original Ocarina of Time, exist in all other games? Pokemon Gold and Silver did it, why can't Zelda? This game is available only on the 3DS.

                You are Link, a resident of the Kukiri Forest, but unlike other residents, you have no fairy following and guiding you. One day, the Great Deku Tree sends Navi, a small fairy, to inform Link he's destined for a great quest to save the kingdom of Hyrule. I can't reveal too much, but I will say that you'll find a contrast of two polar-opposite worlds, and this contrast is one of the best seen in any video game. It gives an emotional attachment to the land and drives you harder to your goal.

                You start off weaponless, but you'll find a sword and shield very quickly, and soon enough you'll adventure into dungeons that each hold new items. All of the equipment is very universal and can be used in different situations throughout the whole land of Hyrule to find secret areas and items.

                Speaking of secrets, you'll find plenty of unique people, places, and items all throughout the land, and you'll miss a good portion of the game if you follow the story strictly and don't stop to enjoy the scenery.

                As for scenery, the world of Hyrule got quite the makeover from the Nintendo 64 days. The polygons of people and places are now shined and polished to a perfect finish. The game also runs at 30 frames per second, which is an upgrade from the Nintendo 64 version. Basically, an upgrade in frames per seconds means the animation can be smoother, and it is smoother than it ever was.

                Quite the hefty amount of upgrades for a portable system, but that's not even all! The game can also be controlled through the built-in system gyroscopes, meaning you can look and aim by physically moving your head and hands around. That, plus the addition of the 3D, really lets the player feel like they’re in the world of Hyrule. Very impressive for a portable system.

                The only real change between the original and the 3DS version, other than the capabilities of gyroscope aiming, is the new stones that can provide hints. It almost goes to show how the degree of difficulty has changed in gaming. Zelda can be a tricky game, but the original had no option for hints. You had your wits and your sword, the rest was logic and luck.

                It'll be interesting how new gamers view Zelda in this fantastic new light. The original was full of revolutionary new ideas. The button-lock-on, the auto-jumping, the quick-swapping for weapons, they were all introduced by this game thirteen years ago, and no game made today would be made without these features.

                Everything about this game thirteen years ago made it game of the year. It's crazy amount of detail in the world of Hyrule, the story, the music, the new features, it was all so amazing. Although it's been released several times already,not like this-- Never in 3D, never with gyroscope technologic, and never on a portable system. It was a legend back then, and now it's a portable legend for a new generation.