Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Unleashed

Rating E10+

Score   5.5/10

             The Sonic the Hedgehog series has been having some tough times getting a good, or even decent, Sonic game for any console (however, handheld games are holding up 2-D well).  Even with all the new power available, the world’s fastest hedgehog has slowed to a pathetic crawl.  Maybe he’ll have better luck if a night time transformation twist is added!  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360.

             Sonic games usually fail to deliver a good storyline; this game is no different.  After Sonic lets his guard down before finally defeating his arch nemesis Dr Eggman (aka Dr Robotnik), Dr Eggman traps Sonic and transforms the Chaos Emeralds (a valuable source of infinite power) into futile crystals.  A side effect of this is that it transforms Sonic into a werewolf (werehog, to be specific) by night.

             You then meet Chip (a random flying doll that talks, but doesn’t remember his own name, so Sonic calls him Chip) and Tails (an old friend).  Your objective is to save the world from peril by restoring power to the Chaos Emeralds and stopping Eggman from destroying the world.

             The gameplay is unfortunately unable to be truly excellent because of the werehog levels.  You see, during the day you race through fast, exciting, vibrant levels as normal Sonic.  At night, you plow your way through seemingly endless amounts of enemies and constantly fight against the annoying camera.  Anywhere you go, the camera will find a way to lock itself in a building or a crate, giving you a blind view of your enemies.  Other highlights of the night include slow and boring platforming, button mashing and constant repetition of the same enemies.  Is there are actual enjoyable play when you are the werehog?  No,  and you spend most of the story playing as him.

             This is all the more unfortunate when you consider that the levels you play as Sonic are amazing.  You’ll sprint through vivid, exhilarating levels.  The levels are quite narrow and almost 2-D like, but with just enough wide spaces to be able to take different routes and find hidden treasures.  It will also change the camera angle to face Sonic’s side at parts of the level, which offers the true 2-D experience Sonic fans long for.

             During the game, you’ll get Experience Points to spend on Sonic and the werehog’s abilities.  You can upgrade speed and ring energy (boost power) for Sonic and the werehog can get upgrades in abilities like strength, combos and health.  Any experience points invested into the werehog are a waste since they won’t make his levels any more enjoyable.  Experience points invested in Sonic make his levels shine even more; especially when you compare to the abysmal levels you’re tortured through at night.

            You can go through the villages, and talk to a handful of people there, but you’re wasting your time by doing so.  None of the villagers have anything useful, or even interesting, to say.  As you gain more fame, they recognize you as more than just a random, talking hedgehog that turns into Frankenstein’s monster at night.

             I would’ve loved this game and would’ve had much higher score, if there weren’t for the werehog levels.  As previously mentioned, (although it’s worth mentioning again), the werehog levels are atrocious while the Sonic levels are absolutely spectacular.

             The game designers seem to realize now the 2-D Sonic is the best way to go, so what’s stopping them from making an exceptional Sonic game that will just blow everyone’s mind?  Since Sonic games are all about the single player story mode, it would’ve been awesome to have a superb one.