Iron Man

Iron Man

Rating; T

Score 6.5/10

              The Iron Man movie hit the theatres not long ago and the game based on it quickly followed.  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and the PSP.

             The core gameplay of this game has you flying around using all of Tony Stark’s gadgets to get past many waves of enemies.  It works great, but gets repetitive after the first few missions.  You’ll defeat the same enemies over and over again.  Even if you can change your weapon to missiles, Unibeam (powerful beam), machine guns, and Repulsors (normal beam), you’ll use the Repulsors a lot more than the other weapons, since they are more effective all around.

             Other than simply flying around slowly shooting enemies, Tony can also fly at high speeds, rip tanks apart, and even shoot helicopters right out of the sky!  Sounds like fun, but remember – this is all you do in the game, level after level, the same weapons, again and again.

             The story, or course, is based loosely off the movie.  People who never saw the movie will be really confused, since the game rarely explains stuff.  It gives a small explanation, and you go destroy or defeat somebody or something.

             Other than using the normal default armor Tony wears, he can also wear the first version of the suit he made, the final version of the suit unpainted, and the suit painted, and choose multiple different suits from the comic series.  Some enemies from the comic series make an appearance, but add little interest to the game.

             In the first level, you’ll be surprised to hear “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath – it’s a nice treat from the ok music in the rest of the game. 

             This game is like most movie games – an amazing movie, but just an alright game.  The game is good enough, but repetitive.  Maybe save your money and buy the movie when it comes out instead.