Race Pro

Race Pro

Rating: E

Score: 5.5/10

Need for Speed and BurnOut have made games love racing games. They feature exciting and fun gameplay and great extras make them a blast to play, but let’s not forget about the racing simulations. Nascar, GTR, and Race have been conquering the less beloved branch of racing games. RacePro is the newest of the race series, and is an Xbox 360 exclusive.

While racing simulation is a large branch of racing in general, it’s usually not so well received by most reviewers because it can be boring and stale, even no-realistic, to racing fans. This game is no different. Racing 100 km/h on a straightaway then slamming on the brake to a turtle-like 15 km/h during turns just doesn’t cut it for most gamers. Gamers like flooring it to 200 km/h and not letting up, in classic arcade racer style.

In spite of this game being mind-numbing to arcade racing fans, there’s a lot of fun to be had if you like simulation racers. Tracks look great, cars control superbly, and there’s lots of variety in the car selection. After selecting a car, you can select a colour for it.

On one of the few tracks (13 in total, a pitiful number), you’ll get right into the racing core. Driving fast and turning gingerly is the name of the game. Unexciting? It takes a surprising amount of skill to perfect speeding and turning through corners. It’s a skill few gamers possess, and one most gamers don’t care to get.

There’s little extra in this game. You race once or twice, and you’ve already experienced most of the game. Other than more racing, you can change settings on your car and the game itself, and that’s about it. It’s lackluster to say the least.

As you can probably gather, this game is for simulation fans only. Arcade fans might want to be wary here – RacePro is nothing like the exciting, jaw-dropping races arcade racing games deliver.