Lego Star Wars

Lego Star Wars – The Complete Saga

Rating E10+

Score:  8.5/10

                  When the first Lego Star Wars was released, it combined the first three episodes of Star Wars with Lego.  The second game was similar, but it covered the last three episodes of Star Wars.  This game combines all six episodes into one big adventure game.  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

            What’s the difference between a normal Star Wars game and this game?  This game isn’t as deep as other Star Wars games; it has been simplified.  Instead of telling every minute of one or two Star Wars episodes, this game reinvents only the major storyline for each of the six episodes.  Star Wars fans may find this game lacking story-wise, but newcomers to the Star Wars series will find the story a lot less confusing and therefore, a lot more fun.  I’m not saying Star Wars fans will be disappointed because they can still identify legendary Star Wars moments with ease. 

             Since everything in the Star Wars universe is now in Lego form, everything reacts as Lego blocks.  When an enemy is killed, they collapse into a handful of Lego blocks.  Many scenes will demand you use the Force, as special telekinetic move employed by Jedis and Siths, to create bridges and buildings with Lego blocks to advance.

             Money is Lego-like coins, called studs, which you can find billions of in every level.  Most buyable characters cost 100,000 studs, so try and collect all that you can find!  There are 162 characters in total, everyone from Anakin to Yoda.  Even Indiana Jones is unlockable.  He was put into the game to promote their upcoming game Lego Indiana Jones.

             Players can choose what level they want to play, from any level, if they are that far in that episode.  When they do, they can choose from any Star Wars character they have unlocked, or a character they build themselves.  That’s right, you can build characters too; it is Lego, after all.  Most anything for anybody can be put on your character, like Yoda’s face with a Stormtrooper body and a Purple Lightsaber.  Anything from a hat to their feet can be customized.  Only two can be made though.

             Lego Star Wars doesn’t disappoint anybody, not newcomers nor hardcore fans, but fans of the other Lego Star Wars games may be surprised at the lack of new options.  A huge advancement in gaming?  No, just a heck of a lot of fun!