Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda

Rating: E

Score  6.5/10

  Yep, it’s another movie made into a game, based on the movie of the same name.  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

            The story is fairly simple:  You’re Po, a “Dragon Warrior” wannabe.  One day, he is proclaimed Drago Warrior, and goes on to help protect the village.

            Every level is the same:  baddies running into your furry fist of fury as you complete overly simple objectives and/or get from Point A to Point B.  There are combos in the game but one will do just fine.  Do that, and you get through the game with ease.  The environments look good and the voice action is good too, but neither is amazing.

            Speaking of getting through the game, it’s too short.  Only one afternoon and the story mode could be completely beaten, leaving you with two options.  You can play thoughout the story mode again and collect uncollected goodies that unlock new extra bonuses or play in the multi-player mode.

            Multi-player mode, unlike Wall-E, doesn’t kill the charm in the game.  It’s exactly like story mode ambushes, but with your buddies controlling the enemies.  That plus some co-op activities and minigames gives you a bit to do after the story mode is complete or if you need a break from the story mode, I would recommend beating the story mode first, since you can get new characters and levels though it.

            It’s a fun little game that kids will enjoy; even adults can enjoy it, but only for a while.  After the first two or three levels, gamers will see a repetitive pattern.  For 50 bucks though, it’s really only for true Kung Fu Panda enthusiasts.