James Bond Quantum of Solace

James Bond:  Quantum of Solace

Rating T

Score: 8.5

              Bond games have never been as amazing since Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 blew everyone’s mind.  Quantum of Solace tries to incorporate the style that made Goldeneye great, while still being Bond style.  This result is a Bond game that doesn’t shatter the limits of any of the systems it’s on, but it is still a great first person shooter any Goldeneye fans will enjoy.  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and the PC.

             If there’s one video game genre that’s been abused significantly, it’s the first person shooter genre.  The only thing that sets this game apart from the other is…“this game has James Bond".  Unfortunately, this game would be no different from any other shooter game if Bond was missing.

                        The game takes you through the events in the movies Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.  Although you’re getting two movies in one, the game is only ten levels long.  Even for a normal game, that’s way too short, but this game actually includes two movies, meaning each movie is only getting about five levels each.  That’s way too little.

             However, the levels are pretty long, and are well done too.  Bond can choose to secretly take out his enemies, or to cause a scene and have himself surrounded by guards.  Bond, though, being the excellent agent he is, can easily get past any guards in his way and move onward in the story.

             Bond can pick up a nice amount of weapons and can hold three in total.  One weapon slot though is preset to only be his trusty pistol.  The other two weapons can be anything from sniper rifles, shotguns, machine guns or any other unique weapon you can find.  This weapons are picked up from downed enemies.

             Speaking of the enemies, they’re pretty good shots.  If you don’t use the cover system as often as possible, you’ll be dead in seconds.

             If you’re in trouble, you can always use the destructible environments to help you out.  Falling chandeliers, exploding propane tanks and smoke from fire extinguishers can all be used to your advantage in do-or-die situations.

             It may not be better than Goldeneye, but it’s still easily one of the best James Bond games ever.  Online play is an awesome addition, but the story mode is way too short.  Maybe the next James Bond game will have you telling your friends, “The game’s Bond – James Bond.”