Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Star Wars:  The Force Unleashed

Rating: T

Score  8.5/10

              What kid didn’t want to use the classic force powers from Star Wars to move stuff with his/her mind?  This game is the candy for all the kids out there with that wish!  This game is available for Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSP, Xbox 360, iPod touch, and iPhone (I kid you not), mobile phone and N-Gage.

             This game was really hyped.  The gameplay, AI, storyline, and force power control was said to be the best in Star Wars history!  Most of that is true.

             The gameplay is a beat-em-up game.  You do use force a bit; you’re in a constant ambush but only a minimal amount of force abilities are useful.  Your lightsaber is always your best weapon.  The fighting is fun, but gets a little repetitive.

             The A.I. is decent, but is far from virtual “Einstein”.  Opponents run straight into your lightsaber, get stuck in falling rocks or building debris and sometimes even block each other’s shots!  Gameplay gets harder, but not AI wise; the bosses get unbelievably strong and resistant.  Boss battle, later in the game, will have you hit and running, while you wait for button combinations to appear onscreen.  After inputting the button combination, you kill the boss and move on.

             The story is the best in Star Wars gaming history, that’s 100% true.  The setting is somewhere between the third and fourth movie.  The story features all the cameos and plot twists a Star Wars fan would expect and then some.  The ending will leave fans breathless.

             The biggest part of the game, the force power, is also the best.  You can use the force in a lot of ways.  Force lighting, pushing, pulling, choking, dashing and lightsaber throwing is all here.  Combining it all into one big force powered massacre is what makes this game special.  Fans and non fans alike will feel a special tingle when they can stop slicing up every enemy and instead use a well placed force push to knock them all off the side of a cliff.

            The game, as a whole, does not disappoint.  It’s a great game that used the force power to the greatest extent possible.  It may get repetitive, but it’s as good as Star Wars gets.