Metal Of Honor Heroes 2

Medal of Honor Heroes 2

Rating T

Score 9.0

             Look alive, soldiers!  Medal of Honor Heroes 2, a war simulator series, has arrived for the Nintendo Wii and the PSP.

             In single player, you are given objectives to complete through eight long levels.  Each level has several ambushes, but this game provides enough weapons to get the job done.  Starting in the first level, you will get some sort of machine gun, a handgun and some grenades, any of which can be switched for bigger and better weapons.  This game has long levels:  mastering it will take a few hours.  Fortunately, multiplayer goes far to give you a bang for your buck! 

             This game has 32-person on-line play.  You can choose to only let a handful of people play in your game, but more people is more fun!  In a multi-player battle, you can say little things like “Move Out” or “I need back-up”, but most of the time, you’ll never find the one talking in such a crowd of people.  Every place you visit in single player mode is accessible in multi-player too.  What happens after you become great?  You might be around the top of the list of greats.  This chart shows everything:  kills a minute, number of deaths, number of kills with handguns, anything.  Though it has online multiplayers, there is the lack of a split screen multiplayer option.

             In a gaming world where there is war game after war game after war game, console after console, it’s good to see Medal of Honor and Call of Duty stand out as must-buys for war gamers.  Rest assured this is only a taste of greatness for this series.