NCAA Football 09

NCAA Football 09

Rating: E

Score  6.0/10

    Another year in college football now available in a video game.  This game is available for the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSP and Xbox 360.

    Every gamer knows that nearly every sports game will be almost identical to the last years’.  This game is no exception.

     The basic gameplay is football – getting the ball from one end of the field to the other anyway you can get it there: running, passing, kicking, anything.  This game gives you a lot of different plays, all of them slightly different in some way.

      To anyone who isn’t a fan of football, all these plays mean nothing.  Beginners should stick to the bare basics, or else they’ll get confused really fast.

      The announcers play a big role in the football community, but in this game, they get annoying unbelievably quickly.  They will repeat the same things over and over again and will criticize anything and everything you do.  Fortunately, they’re sometimes amusing, which adds light to the dark, repetitive world of football.

     There is a career mode, but it’s extremely difficult to navigate if you’re not a football fan, so let’s not touch on that mode.  My favourite is the Mascot Mode, where you play as a school’s mascot and battle other mascots.  Mascots can appear as devils, leprechauns, Vikings and tigers.

     Even though it’s a fun game, it adds little to last year’s version.  There are only a handful of modes that no-football fans might enjoy.  This game is truly only meant for diehard football fans.