Sonic Riders Zero Gravity

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

Rating E

Score 7.5/10

After a strange ring crashes into the earth from above, it’s discovered that this ring can manipulate gravity. Sonic and the gang must find the secrets behind these rings, and fend off rampaging robots and a gang of familiar foes. This game is for the Nintendo Wii and the Playstation 2.

One of the biggest new features in this game is the ability to control gravity in two ways. The first way is to stop gravity near a turn, then aim yourself, then shoot forward. This is great for sharp turns, and there are many. The second is to shoot through a black hole, flying at a great speed.

If you touch an object in mid-air, your character will jump off the object, gaining a speed boost. Both of these skills require some “Gravity Points” from your Gravity Points Gauge. You can get Gravity Points by doing tricks, finding some in boxes and jumping off an object in midair.

Controlling gravity takes some getting used to, but it’s very useful once mastered. There also is a new ability called “Gear Change”. Once you gain a certain number of rings, your gear will gain an upgrade. Each gear has two or three upgrades and can be upgraded during a race. Some upgrades include a higher top speed, larger gravity points gauge, transforming your ride to grind, transforming your ride to fly, and transforming your ride to smack obstacles out of your way.

There are fun mini-games too. These mini-games are only small, quick games that are based around using gravity.

Too bad story mode is so short, because there are some good cutscenes in this game.

I don’t know why this game took a beating from critics the day of its release. It has solid gameplay mixed with cool features. Though it’s not the greatest racing game out there, it’s still worth a go.