

These skills were converted from the Warhammer Quest Rulebook

Statistique :

Équipement :

Arme : Epée Courte

Armure : Aucune

Formation :

Elves can advance in Stats (see the Advancement Page for more information),

and can learn new spells from the Spell Colleges.


Elves can learn one skill between each quest. Skills cost 3000 gold coins to learn. The Elf must roll 2 red dice. The number beside each skill corresponds to the dice roll. If the Elf already knows that skill he may roll again.

Unless othewise noted, an Elf may only use one skill per turn and one skill at a time.

2. Leap

In a single, fluid movement you launch yourself into the air and flip over your stunned opponent's head, landing on the balls of your feet behind him, sword in hand.

This skill allows you to leap over 1 square, in any direction, that contains an enemy. The leap counts as 1 square of movement. You must have at least 1 square of movement left to use this skill.

3. Sureshot

Taking careful aim, you ease your bowstring back and let an arrow fly straight towards its target.

This skill allows you to reroll all the attack dice for a bow attack, either regular bow or crossbow.

4. Doomstrike

Summoning all your strength, you bring an awesome blow crashing down upon your opponent.

This skill allows you to roll 3 extra attack dice for any one attack. It may only be used once per quest level.

5. Herblore

You rub the foul-smelling salve into your companion's wound, reassuring him that even if the concoction does sting it is doing him good.

This skill allows you to try and heal yourself or any other wounded companion. Roll 1 red die to determine the outcome:

This skill may be used once per quest level.

6. Rapid Fire

Your arms almost a blur, you release arrow after arrow into the enemy ranks.

Roll 1 red die when using this skill. You may make that number of bow attacks on your turn. This skill may only be used with a regular bow, not a crossbow.

7. Power shot

Your forearms strain as you pull back the tightened bowstring, using all your strength against the increased pull of the weapon.

This skill allows you to roll an extra 3 attack dice when using a regular bow (not a crossbow).

8. Evade

Nimbly stepping to one side, you dodge the incoming axe, flinching slightly as the razor-sharp blade whistles past your ear and buries itself in the table next to you.

This skill gives you the ability to dodge incoming blows by stepping to one side. If a monster successfully hits you, roll 1 red die. On a roll of 1-4 you are hit as normal. On a roll of 5-6 you evade the blow by stepping into an empty adjacent square. if there are no squares free you must take the blow as normal. In the process of sidestepping, you may come into contact with another monster that was not close enough to attack you originally. This monster may not attack you until the next turn. Similarly, by evading, you may have moved out of contact with another monster that was going to attack you. This monster may move after you and attack on the current turn.

9. Pinion

The arrow whistles through the air and slams into your opponent, pinning him to the wall like a stuck pig.

This skill allows you to take one, carefully aimed shot at an opponent standing directly in front of and adjacent to a wall. If your attack roll has at least one skull, roll 1 red die. On a roll of 1-4 the shot simply causes the normal damage. On a roll of 5-6 the target is pinned to the wall. It may not do anything during the rest of the turn, including attack or defend (including defending against your arrow attack) as it struggles to free itself. You must have a missile weapon to use this attack.

10. Hypnosis

Slowing your breath to half its normal rate, you slowly drift into a state of altered consciousness, calming the raging pain of your wounds and speeding their healing.

This skill allows you to enter a self-induced hypnotic trance and heal yourself. You may only use this skill if there are no monsters in the same room or corridor as you. Entering the trance takes one turn, during which you may do nothing else, including defending yourself. Roll 1 red die to see how many Body Points you regain from the trance. You may not go over your maximum amount of Body Points with this roll. This skill may be used once per quest level.

11. Hazard Finder

Your keen sight detects a hidden trip wire, saving you from blundering into a deadly trap.

This skill allows you to try to detect all traps on a board. It may only be used once per quest level. Roll 1 red die to determine the outcome of the search:

12. Parry

With a practiced maneuver and a deft flick of the wrist you hook your sword around your enemy's weapon and twist it down and to one side.

This skill allows you to parry an incoming blow. When an enemy makes a successful attack against you, roll 1 red die. On a roll of 1-4 you take the damage as normal. On a roll of 5-6 you turn away the blow and it causes no damage.