Story Reflections

Story Reflection

    1. Start with a story - Queen Vaidehi and Prince Ajatasatru (Contemplation Sutra)

      • A. Pause at point in life when she's in great despair, ask "how can my son be awful? I've given him everything..." (Question 2 of Naikan)

      • B. Keep going with story to where she realizes that she caused troubles and difficulties to her son - go over Question 3 of Naikan

    2. Give an example from your own life as a teacher with Questions 2 and 3

    3. Ask them to reflect on question 2 - Think of someone you've given a lot to

      • Then ask what difficulties you have caused them - Question 3

      • Remind them that this is all confidential!

    4. If you have more time - What have you received from this person that you might have missed - or a friend/meaningful person?

    • By: Michelle Galecki (