This is the website for the Buddhist Churches of America(BCA) Dharma Schools. It serves as a clearinghouse of lesson plans, ideas and concepts for the Dharma School teachers. However, in the spirit of "Kai Ho Zo" ( "Throw Open the Dharma Storehouse") we open this site to the general public.
This site moved from the BCADharmaSchool.wikispaces.com which had to shut down due to the provider going out of business.
Wikispaces Site Files - All the files from the Wikispaces site.
**NEW** 2024 FDSTL Webinar "Living Nembutsu" featuring Dr. Jeff Wilson - Link to the YouTube recording and slides.
**NEW** 2024 FDSTL Conference - April 27-28, 2024 - Slides, Links to Lessons presented.
**NEW** March 2024 Stone Soup
Comments & Discussion sections created. Comments may be added to these pages. The system also sends email to the site admininstrators.
2023 FDSTL Conference - April 28 - 30, 2023
August 27 FDSTL Workshop - Teaching Essentials: So, you are a new Dharma School Teacher...now what?
Making Dharma Connections through Literature - Project by Kiyo Masuda for videos on book that may be used in DS.
"Wolves, Ravens and Interdependence" - A slide show on the book "The Wolf-Raven".
We provide three different ways to access the materials at the site:
In addition, the Sidebar (icon with the 3 horizontal lines) provides a table of contents.
The Buddhist Churches of America(BCA) is affiliated with the Hompa Hongwanji of Kyoto, Japan and follows the traditions of Jodo Shinshu founded by Shinran Shonin.