Mumbles Oysters

Oyster Skiffs on the foreshore  at Southend, pre 1893 

The remains of several oyster skiffs, which lie near the sea wall and are a small, but constant reminder of a once proud and hardworking band of men

Oster Skiffs, The Snake and The Hawk . Photo: RJ Lloyd .

 'Will they no' come back again?'
by Mumbles News, 1976

By 1873, the signs were already very ominous, and the old hands were cautious. The year's haul was only a little over nine million, and two years later it was to drop sharply again to just under four million. Whitstable was already doing far better. In 1875 the value of the Mumbles catch was £13,325; Whitstable oysters totalled £55,141.

by Carol Powell MA

Including:: Location of the Oyster Beds, Dredging, Season, Heyday, Perches and Plantations,  Decline, The Men who worked the Skiffs.     

By Carol Powell MA

Up until 1871, when oyster-dredging reached its peak, the dredging for oysters had been one of the mainstays of Mumbles Life. Some sixteen million oysters were harvested ...

A companion article is entitled

By Carol Powell MA

By Carol Powell MA

A virus in the early 1920s finished off what was left of the industry forever and the extension of the railway to Mumbles Head was another part of the story.

By Carol Powell MA

Many remember the sight of fishing nets way out in Swansea Bay, comprising a series of nets / weirs stretching across the bay from Blackpill to Mumbles. 

By Carol Powell MA

Several proverbs refer to St.James’s Day:   

‘Who eats oysters on St James's Day will never want’ . . . 

Also could be spelt Grottos or Grottoes

Articles by other authors

by by George Webborn

summer, the local children would put the mountain of shells left over once the oysters had been harvested   to good use, often earning a few pennies into the bargain.   Magical ...

by Maisie Harris

... idea of him being away for months or even years at a time.     However, oysters were plentiful in the Bristol Channel, and skiffs from Mumbles were successful in the dredging ...

by Margie Bowden (nee Jenkins)

Memories of the Oyster Trade

I remember when I was still at school, my father used to sell oysters on a big oyster table out by the White Gate

Oyster skiffs at Southend, between 1856 & 1890

A link to their website 

The History of the
Mumbles Oyster