My First Public Performance

by Bill Morgan

During the twenties and thirties my out-of-school activities seemed to have been mostly influenced by functions at Paraclete Congregational Chapel. When I was about four years old, my parents decided that I should make a contribution to the Sunday School Anniversary service at which young folk would sing or recite poetry. I learnt a short poem with a presumably religious theme. The Big day arrived; the pews in the chapel were fully occupied; the Service, under the leadership of the Rev. David Rees, got under way. In due time my recitation was announced so I walked confidently from the family pew, climbed up the steps to the pulpit and stood ready for action. Unfortunately, at this stage my mind went blank. The prescribed poem was not forthcoming! After a long pause I decided to venture a poem which I could remember:

Paraclete Congregational Chapel

Little Willie Wagtail knew,

Down where the rushes grew,

If you looked behind him

You really couldn’t find him,

But little Willie Wagtail knew.

I don’t know how the congregation re-acted, but, for many years afterwards, I was reminded of the occasion by friends who were present that day. I have no recollection of being asked to participate in subsequent Anniversary Celebrations, but that was more than seventy-five years ago! I think I may now be ready for my second public performance.

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