Oystermouth Library collection

Edited by John Powell

The library was opened on 21st, September 1935, by Counciller David Richards, Chairman of the Libraries Committee, 

THE OPENING OF MUMBLES' NEW LIBRARY > in Dunns-lane. Left to right: Councillor A. R. Ball, Mr. Walter Young, joint librarian; Mrs. Cross, Mr. John Rhys Davies; the Mayor of Swansea, Alderman W. J. Davies, J.P., the Mayoress; Councillor David Richards, who opened the library; Mrs. David Richards, Mr. F. A. Broad, deputy borough architect, and Alderman T. W. Hughes, O.B.E., J.P., Deputy Mayor. 

The ex-local Government Offices fell into disrepair

Before the Library Came

By Carol Powell

On 5 September 1930, the Fire Brigade was called to the site at Dunns Lane, by then being used as stables, which was well alight and destroyed in the blaze. This was to be the site of the new Oystermouth Library

Oystermouth Library, Dunns Lane, Mumbles, is a Branch of Swansea Library Service. It is housed in a Grade II listed building.


Mr Morgan, the Head Librarian

 By Grafton Maggs

In no time at all, the Library became a vital part of the community

By Edna Davies (née Harris) 

and Doreen Peregrine (née Harris)

on behalf of the Harris family

Prior to the opening of the library, books were very difficult to come by

The library was always our first stop >

By Sandy Baddick, née Symmons

They were such happy days and I still use the library to this very day

By Carol Powell, née Symmons

If we were lucky, we might be in time to ‘bag’ a Famous Five before anyone else did! 

In 2015 the Library was 80 

Author Stevie Davies (right) on a return visit, with Oystermouth Library Manager Vicky Blewett
Community information is displayed in the foyer

Trips to Oystermouth Library

'As a little girl, I used to come here with my Nana and Auntie and I would sit cross-legged browsing for an hour at a time.
My generation of authors were really the children of the public libraries, since owning few books of our own - in my house we only had the Encyclopaedia Britannica - the libraries opened up the world to us.
I remember such a very lovely  warm and welcoming  atmosphere at Oystermouth library'

The childrens section

Sarah and Naomi said:

'When we come to visit Grandma and Grandad in the summer holidays we come to the library in Oystermouth. Mum likes to use a computer to update her emails and we read some stories.  Then we choose the books that we want to borrow.  This year we visited when it was story time.
We listened to the stories and made some sea creatures.'

A painting once displayed in the library 

For a larger sized image of this painting, click the link - More: Paintings once displayed at Oystermouth Library >

A painting by Dixon, once possibly displayed in the library 

For a larger sized image of this painting, click the link - More: Paintings once displayed at Oystermouth Library >