Illustrated talks by John Powell

Please note: John is not able to present talks as he has retired

John was born and lives in Mumbles and has worked for over forty years in retailing, retiring in 2005.

He is past Programme Secretary and Chairman of Oystermouth Historical Association.

His particular field of interest involves researching the backgrounds of the local casualties from the Great War as well as exploring the role of the Defences of Mumbles Head and that of the American GIs, who were stationed here in the Second World War.

He is co-author with Kate Jones of ' Defences on Mumbles Headland during the Second World War', published in the 'Swansea History Journal' Vol. 21.

He is also the co-author with Kate Jones and Carol Powell, of the book, 'Mumbles at War, 1939-1945' and is Graphic Designer for his wife, Carol Powell's local history books.

John is now co-editor, with his wife, of the website A HISTORY OF MUMBLES, where the village history and memories of local people are preserved.

Archive of Illustrated Talks

The Mumbles Train

A personal journey, from Blackpill to Mumbles Pier, Then & Now.

Let's Go to the Pictures!

See the Plaza in its heyday and bring back memories of going to the pictures.

Remembering visits to the other Swansea Cinemas, The Albert Hall and The Carton, to mention just a few. Do not forget The Castle Cinema and the Tivoli at Mumbles.

'Got Any Gum Chum?'

The American GI's in Swansea & Gower during the Second World War

Each talk can concentrate on the activities of the Army near to the venue and includes GI Brides.

South Gower, Mumbles, Swansea, Swansea University, Morriston, Grovesend and North Gower, are several of the areas featured in separate talks.

'The Impact of the First World War on Mumbles, 1914-1918'

and the stories concerning those honoured on Mumbles Great War Memorials.

An additional talk featuring Blackpill is also available.

'The Coastal Guns of Mumbles Head' in the Second World War, 1939-1945

Mumbles Hill, Lighthouse Island & Tutt Head proved ideal locations for the siting of Coastal Gun Defences in WW2.

Schooldays in Old Newton'

This explores, in pictures, the village and school life up until 1955.


'Victorian Schooldays in Mumbles'


'Days At The Seaside' -

A Stroll Through Time from Caswell Bay to the Pier

John Powell,

email: johnpowelloystermouth AT

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