Developments at Underhill Park Mumbles

Edited by John Powell

Photo: The new Underhill Park Pavillion,  Copyright, MCA. May 2023.

The charity behind the development is Mumbles Community Association
Full details can be found at 'GO Underhill'.  Website - 

Go Underhill is a major plan by the community in the Mumbles area to
transform Underhill Park, developing facilities which are fit for the modern day

Leading the way and making it happen

The transformation of Underhill Park is being undertaken by a registered charity, Mumbles Community Association, which was specifically set up to deliver the development and take on the long term operation of the Park for the benefit of everyone.

The project is led by the charity’s Trustees, who include representatives from Mumbles RFC and Mumbles Rangers, as well as a number of individuals, all of whom are freely giving their time, skills and energy to make it happen.

The Trustees are supported by a Steering Group which includes a wider representation of clubs and individuals who are all passionate about delivering the transformation of Underhill Park.


As of 19 July 2023, Underhill Hub is open

A Short History of the Project:

In January 2022 we were thrilled to announce that the construction contract for Phase 1 works had been let, and work got underway on 17 January. 

The construction contract awarded to T.A.D. Builders Ltd. covered the refurbishment of the existing Pavilion, the building of four new changing rooms and the new Community Hub & Café.  

T.A.D. Builders Ltd.’s Commercial Director, Delwyn Jones, said:
T.A.D. Builders Ltd. were delighted to be a part of this community project, and able to assist Mumbles Community Association to achieve their vision by transforming the green heart of Mumbles so it is fit for the future.

In May 2023, after many years of fundraising and planning, the new developments to the chnging rooms and Pavilion at Underhill Park, were handed over to Mumbles Community Association (MCA) by T. A. D. Builders Ltd and the new cafe, community space and public toilets, will now be fitted out and opened in the summer of 2023.


Mumbles Community Association, the charity behind the development, had managed to secure almost £377,000 from The National Lottery Communities Fund towards the build, plus £250,000 from the Welsh Government Community Facilities Programme (CFP) and £25,000 from WRU, MCC’s original grant offer of £875,000 proved to be the game changer which eventually allowed the project to be formally tendered in September 2021. 

The last, but very important, element of phase 1 of the Go Underhill development is a new floodlit all-weather pitch (AWP). This can only be delivered once the main buildings have been completed since the existing changing rooms need to be demolished to free up some of the space required to accommodate the new pitch. 

Whilst MCC has removed its formal commitment to grant £325,000 to towards the cost of the AWP in order to provide the additional funding needed to enable the construction contract to be let, the Council has reaffirmed their commitment to exploring future options for funding this element of the development. With all parties working together, it is hoped that the full funding for the AWP can be secured in time for work to start on it soon after the new buildings have been completed.

Chair of Mumbles Community Association, Simon Tse, said:

“After so many years of MCA Trustees and our wider support team working on the plans for Underhill Park, securing all the permissions needed, and trying to pull together the resources to make it happen, we all have a huge mix of emotions right now.
“We are ecstatic that we’ve been able to let the construction contract, even though this is not as comprehensive as we had hoped for. We are relieved that we are finally going to see the first part of the plans delivered, grateful to all our funders but in particular to Mumbles Community Council, and so excited for the people of Mumbles. 

“If I’m honest, I think our team of volunteer Trustees is also a bit exhausted by the extended and convoluted processes we have had to go through to arrive at the starting line. But that feeling will soon be replaced by exhilaration as we start to see things finally taking shape in Underhill Park.

“And with our professional team looking after the build, the charity Trustees will be focusing our energies on raising the funding for the final two changing rooms and a new all-weather pitch, as well as starting to plan for MCA taking on the management of Underhill Park.

“The efforts made to get to this point have been incredible and I can’t thank everyone who has been involved enough. This development truly will be by the community, for everyone.”

Go Underhill anounced - 

Ambitious plans... but we're well on our way

To achieve a transformation of the green heart of Mumbles we need to be ambitious,

so the plans for Underhill Park have been developed to reflect what people want to see happen, and that’s quite a lot!

Our list includes:

A Phased Approach

To help get things done, the overall project has been split into phases.

Within the first phase, incremental plans were created to enable us to move forward as the necessary funding was secured, or to prioritise elements for which we have been able to secure grants.

Transforming the green heart of Mumbles so it’s fit for the future;
By the community; for everyone
Trawsnewid calon werdd Mwmbwls i fod yn addas ar gyfer y dyfodol:
Gan y gymuned; i bawb

The most critical elements we’ve achieved so far are…

Preparing for the developments:

Securing the funding:

Working together

The organisations which are involved in Mumbles Community Association or are working with us on Go Underhill include:

Mumbles Rugby Football Club

Delivering opportunity to play and support Rugby in Mumbles since 1887, with Junior, Youth and Senior teams

Mumbles Rangers Football Club

An FAW Gold Accredited Club with boys and girls teams at all ages from Under 6 through to Under 16, Youth, Seniors and Ladies

Mumbles Community Council

The local community council for the area, committed to representing the people of Mumbles, supporting local organisations, improving the street scene and the environment, and providing enhanced services.

The Council are fully behind the plans for developing Underhill Park. 

Also working with

A HISTORY OF MUMBLES support this project -

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