Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane: Class Photos

Edited by John Powell

Photo: The site of the school is now Dunns Close

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane. 

Over the years, the school was known under many alternative names, noted below.

Index of School Photos 

More: Local Schools - collection

More memories of the school and many past pupils have contributed to this page.

Jan Spooner née Tucker remembers Oystermouth School

Memories of Oystermouth Junior Comprehensive School by Michael Charles

Oystermouth School buildings  Through the years

Do you remember? 

Selwyn Shute Castleton Stores  Oystermouth School Tuck Shop?

NEW DISCOVERY - Mumbles Primary Mixed Church School (No date or names).

Fancy Dress - 'The House That Jack Built.'

Thought to be dated around the 1930s.

If you can help supply and names or memories: please contact us

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, around 1973, Class 3b, 

Teacher Mr Pressdee

Back row: (from left) Michael Watkins, Barry Elias, Noel Shapton, Paul Goodwin, Neil Edney, Mark Jenkins, Jeremy Thomas, Simon Smith

Next row: Nicola Mcneff ( Now Humphrey), SianEvans, Carol Venn, Katy Williams, Angela Llewellyn (now Stewart), Belinda Connor, Anne Thomas, Rebecca Harvey, Sandra Thomas, not sure, Kay Francis next, Shirley Morris, Melanie Charles,Amanda James, Susan Hooper, teacher, Judith O’Brien, Caroline Ford, Alison Putt, Caroline Rees 

Next row:  Paul Beynon, Robert Smaile, Paul Nicholas, Graham Durke, Stuart Henderson but not sure, Gareth Jones (his twin brother David is not in the photo) Richard Webborn, Ian Way, Edward Thomas

Names: by Angela Llewellyn (now Stewart) and Alison Slee

Acknowledgment: Photo, pupils names and comments are from 'Fond Memories of Swansea' 

Stephen Way: When I was there 61- 65 it was called something like Mumbles County Junior Mixed. Later added: I was Bob Cratchitt in A Christmas Carol when I was in her class, my one and only acting role. She had a cupboard in her classroom which had boxes of costumes for the play.

Diane Griffin: Mumbles Primary was what we called it. Mr Pressdee was 3B. Miss Woollcott was 3A when I was there before that photo. I remember her brown cardigans and we all insisted that she wore a wig although I’m sure she didn’t! Strangely, she sent me a Christmas card every year until she died. I was in 4A when she retired but I remember her presentation. Yes she was very moved. 

Jennifer Ettershank: The official title at my time there was Mumbles Junior Mixed. I was in Miss Woolacott's class, 3A, in 1951/2. We performed the Christmas Carol in a number of venues around the village. I was a washer woman - hardly exciting! Miss Woolacott was terrifying. Mrs Davies, 2A in the Church Hall was lovely. Mr Boyd was 2B, the other side of the screen in the hall! Mr Guest was 4A and he was a great relief after Woollie Nobs!! 

Jan Baker: You’ve brought back a few memories Diane. I actually liked Maud Woollcott and thought she was an excellent teacher. Although there were days when I thought otherwise, as she could dish out punishment that today would be frowned upon. My mother used to remind me about the time I took her a Christmas gift of chocolates like other kids did, only to bring them home again as she’d given someone the DAP (plimsoll shoe) for being naughty that day. Not sure if she ever did get the chocolates .

Margaret Lancaster: Yes, I was in Miss Woollacott's class. Like my sister Jen Ettetshank I was also the washer woman in our year's rendition of a Christmas Carol. We did one year in the Church Hall in Newton Road. Can't remember why. When I Mr Guest's class I remember we had Mr Sanders for art and he used to throw daps at the boys who misbehaved.

Penny Kieft: My auntie Lillian would have attended in the 30’s my 2 sisters and brother all went there in the 60’s and 70’s …I left in July 76 

Nigel Ramsell: There were air raid shelters there which all children were forbidden to enter. Which of course meant that all children did with consequent punishment if caught.  Around 1964 games of Zulus vs South Wales Borderers where the Zulus would charge up the yard to attack the gun emplacements on the air raid shelter step

Many thanks for your memories, A History of Mumbles, Contact editors

Mumbles Mixed Church School, 1970 / 71

Class Teacher Mr Boyd Photo: Ceri Jones

If you can help supply more names and memories: please contact us

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, 1968

Headteacher Mr Beynon - Class Teacher Miss Pressdee

Acknowledgment: David Gabe posted this photo on Mumbles, West Cross & Newton Community Group
- 'Any further help very welcome.'

Comments on Facebook

3rd Row ,From left :-Ruth Perry( 3rd ) Fiona(6th) Caroline Rees(9th) Deborah Thomas(10th).

Front row, from left 1st Huw (?), 3rd -Phil (Letherbridge?)

David Gabe -Thanks for the help Geoff, I’m in the back row (X ) next to JM and MA ! 

Geoffrey Stockton - Is the boy far left 2nd row Nicholas something? Front row next to Lyndon, Mark Petherbridge?

Geoffrey Stockton - Hi David. Back row Jonathon Morris, Mike Charles, x , Mark Adams, Andrew Falvey x ( Andrew Ward)? x (Gerald Betteridge) ?Carey ( Dozy) Price, Phil Shefford, 2 nd row , x Rob Jenkins x x x x x Geoff Stockton, Chris Francis. Useless at the girls I think Fiona Ricci is there Front row, x Lyndon Elias x John Bennett, Digby Thomas .

Geoffrey Stockton -  I think Hugh Williams is next to Lyndon Elias.

Stephen Way -  3rd row fifth on the right my sister Sandra Way 

Sandra Way - I’ll give it a go with the girls. Is the 1st one Phillipa Castell,

Aileen Davies, Ruth Perry, Carol Morris, ?, Fiona Ricci, ?, Me, Caroline Rees, Debra Thomas, Julie Davies, ?.

Also 4 girls behind, not sure 1st one, Denise Walters, Bernice (?) and maybe Janet Lewis

Many thanks for your memories, A History of Mumbles, Contact editors

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, c.1966

Headteacher Mr Beynon - Class Teacher George Guest, (teacher Miss Jones is in the centre)

Acknowledgment: Photo and memories Jean Larger née Poolton    
- 'Any further help very welcome.'

'I can't remember the names of the boys on the back row ( sorry Guys! ),
but I think on 2nd row, 3rd from left is Jeffrey Lake, 4th I don't know, then I think Gaynor Bowden, me, Tessa, and at the end was Geoffrey Roberts. 

Girls seated are Anita Jones ( who I'm still in touch with ), Mary Ludlum, Nicola Scott ( daughter of Derek Scott, coxswain of Mumbles Lifeboat), can't remember the next girl, then Amanda Lehane, teacher Miss Jones, again next one can't remember, then Gillian Frances, Janet Roberts, Margaret Bates and Caroline Williams.  

I would love to hear from any of these pupils, hope they are all well.

I am happily married ( after being widowed some years ago ), and living in Lancashire. 

But such happy memories of carefree days.'
Jean Larner - née Poolton

Many thanks for your memories, A History of Mumbles, Contact editors

Mumbles Primary Mixed Church School,  1963-4, Class 3A

Teacher Miss Maud Woollacott. The Headmaster was Mr David Beynon  

This was Miss Woollacott’s last class as she then retired. 

Back row l to r: Miss Woollacott, John Schofield, Nick Williams (lived in Limeslade House) Michael and Ian Golden (Slade Rd), Mark Thomas (Mother was Peggy Thomas who had the clothes shop in Chapel St) Martin Williams, Clive Davies, Robert Onions, Stuart Davies, Martin Radcliffe, Mr Beynon.
Middle row: Peter Snabel (lived on Overland Rd) John Gabb, Ian Carlisle, Richard Hullin (Gower Place) myself- Stephen Way, Paul Hill, Tony Pickwick, Martin Hunt, Nick Paton, Dai Grace (Dunn’s Lane) John Hillen (his father was the owner or manager of the Casino).
Front row: Janice Dixon, Violet Ludlum, Judith Richards, Joanna Ricci, Catherine Williams, Tina Canham, Sarah Pugh, Kay Davies, Janine Saxton, Gill King, Janette Scott, Suzanne Messer and Joanne Parfitt.
Missing from the photo is Alan Gardiner ( from Chapel St known universally as Digger courtesy of Mr Guest in 4A). 

Names by Stephen Way

Acknowledgment: Photo and pupils names are from 'Fond Memories of Swansea' 

If you can help: please contact us

New - Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, 1963, Class 4A

Teacher : Mr George Guest

John Davies commented on our Facebook page:
Pretty much the same class as 3A (Maud Woollacott's) the year before 61-62.

Back-row: Anthony Parfitt, Wayne Jones, Paul Henry, Noel Morgan, David Russell, Martin Jones, Clive Davies

Row 3: ?, Elizabeth Davies, Christine Lynch, Pauline Marquis, Yvonne King, Ann Cundy, Elin Morris, Dick Ellis.

Row 2: Andrea Davies, Janice Cundy , Lyndsay Matthieson, Christine Roach, Angela Jenkins, Barbara Payne, Melissa Lehmann, Jacqueline Richards

Row 1: ? , Dai Robertson, Neil Thomas, Allan Rees , John Davies (yours truly), ?, Stephen Macnamara

Photo: John Cundy

Additional names:  Yvonne Evans 

If you can help with the missing names, please contact us

Comments on our Facebook page

Emma McNamara commented:  That looks like my dad steve McNamara front row far right.. 

Judy Jones commented: My sister Jackie Richards second row far right. 

Jennifer Ettershank commented and mentioned the full name of the school
Dorothy Macnamara was in my year level. We finished primary school in 1953. The school name was Mumbles Junior Mixed, commonly known as the Church School as opposed to the Board School in Newton Road (also known as the top school). 

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, 1962-63, Class 3B, Mr Presdee

(On left) Headmaster: Mr David Beynon. 

Back row: (from left) John White, Phil Gavey, Tony? Sivertson, myself (Geroge Lawrence), Richard Budge, John Woolacot,  

Second row: Linda Venn? 3rd. Lyn Kostromin ?,

3rd. row; 5th. Joan Thomas? Jane Lewis.

Front row: 2nd. Bruce Rolf?, Nigel Ellacott, Bill Hinton, Nipper Thomas?, Paul Beynon?

My Family moved to Mumbles in October 1962 and I and my brother Hugh (2 years younger) attended the school before moving on to Bishop Gore/Penlan schools respectively.

From George Lawrence.

If you can help with the missing names, please contact us

Mumbles Primary School Rugby Team, 1962-63

(back row) Stephen Rees, Haydn Coles, Wayne Jones, Mr Charlie Boyd, Neil Thomas, Peter Camm, Anthony Parfitt.

(middle row) -David Russell, Brian Thomas, Robert Thomas, Noel Morgan, Arthur Bevan, David Robertson, Dick Ellis.

(at the front) Brian Pound and Dick Beynon.

Photo and names supplied by Neil Thomas, Cowbridge. 

If you can help with the missing names, please contact us

Mumbles Mixed Church School, class 2A, 1961/62

Back row, Headmaster, Mr David Beynon,   Teacher front centre, Mrs Davies

Back row, from left: 2nd- Roger Johnson.

Back row from right: 5th -Peter Lewis (Castle Road), 

Pat Bevan commented that - Linda Kift, Elizabeth Jones were included 

David Morris (Park Street) now living in the Brighton area, contacted us on 14 November 2021 and said:  'I'm second from the right in the front row sitting on the floor with my arms folded and thank you for the smile.

The boy sitting on the floor on the far left is Terry Ronan (Queens Road ) and I think sitting next to him is Anthony Davies (Park Street)

I'm fairly sure that it is Roger Johnson next to Mr Beynon.

Mrs Davies was a lovely teacher and 2A was one of two classrooms ( with 1B?) in a separate building at the rear of the school also having access from Gloucester Place.

Now that my memory has been jogged I'll see if any other names come to mind.'

If you can help with any more names, please contact us

Mumbles Primary Mixed Church School, 1961-62

The 3rd year class of Miss Maud Woollacott

(back row) Headmaster, Mr David Beynon, Celia Rolfe, David "Dai" Robertson (Langland Road),  ?  , John Davies (Castle Road), Stephen Macnamara,  ?  , Noel Morgan,  Neil Thomas (Beaufort Close),  Stephen Rees, Peter Camm, Bryn Davies , Elizabeth Davies

(middle row)  Christine Lynch, Jacqueline Richards (Langland Road), Paul Henry, Dick Ellis, David Russell, Martin Jones (Beaufort Avenue), Clive Davies, Wayne Jones, Anthony Parfitt (Stanley Street) , Allan Rees (Beaufort Avenue), Neil Irving (Beaufort Avenue)  Elin Morris, Pauline Marquis.

(front row)    Susan Ripley, Yvonne King (Beaufort Close, Langland), Andrea Davies (Beaufort Avenue, Langland), Lindsay Matheson (?Newton), Ann Cundy, Miss Maud Woollacott, Teacher, (Nottage Road, Newton), Barbara Payne, Pat Lewis (John Street off Gloucester Place, Janice Cundy (? Woodville Road), Christine Roach, Angela Jenkins (Castle Road).

The headmaster, Mr. Beynon,  had recently taken over from Albert Williams (Father of Alun Williams, also a Mumbles teacher of note) and past Headmaster.

Latest names by  Yvonne Evans, many thanks 

If you can help, please contact us

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, 1958 

Details from Denise Large, née Hargreaves, who was at the school from 1956 until 1960.

Rear Row: Unfortunately Denise could not name any of the boys, but they include Hugh Rees, Colin Presdee, David Barrington and Nicholas Whitford. 

Front row:  (Christine Wroe), Judith Davies, Denise Hargreaves, Janet Rushton, Ann Schropfer.

Miss Maud Woollacott's class, at Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane. 

Rob Hole adds: I can see..Steven Thomas (Hole) left, John Billings centre and Roger Judd.right. 

'Thank you for bringing back such happy memories'. 

Mumbles Junior School, 1958 

by Denise Large (nee Hargreaves)

'I am sitting on the front row 4th from the left (Denise Large, nee Hargreaves). The dress was navy velvet! The girl on the far right in the Welsh costume is my cousin, Ann Schropfer. Ann and I, Denise Hargreaves, were at the school from 1956 until 1960.

I recognise all the faces, but unfortunately cannot name any of the boys. In our class were Hugh Rees, the butcher's son, Colin Presdee, David Barrington and Nicholas Whitford from the shoe repairers and later the shoe shop but I don't know if any of them is pictured.

I think the girl to the left of me in the picture is Judith Davies and sitting between Ann and me,I think, is Janet Rushton. Unfortunately cousin Ann died several years ago so I can't ask her for help, although her brother still lives in Mumbles. Judith died in the Sixties in a car accident, which was very sad.'

If you can help with more names, please contact us

From our Facebook page:

Lyn Mathias, née Hopkins, adds: Christine Wroe front row on the left, Hugh Rees, John Billings and I Think Stephen Thomas ( Hole ) in the back. 

Mumbles  Junior Mixed Church School, Form 4A, 1959 

Mr George Guest Class

Photo: Ian Thomas and I have tried to remember the names of my fellow classmates: 

Backrow ( left to right): ? ; Robert Jenkins ;Robert Farley; David Hopkins ;Ian Thomas; Jeff Hughes; Raymond Collis; Peter Collis;

Third row: Susan(?) White; Christine Horton; ? ; Claire Matheson; Ann Bowen; Dinah Smith; ?;Jenifer Barrington; Christine(?) Wade; Helen Randall; ? ;

Seated: Sarah Davies; ?; ? ; Albert Williams ,Headmaster; George Guest, Form teacher; Julia Boyd ; ? ;Helen McGirl;? ;

Front Row: ? ; ? ; Robert Meyrick; David Matheson; Christopher John; Peter Jenkins;

If you can help with more names, please contact us

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, Form 2A, 1957

Mrs Davies Class   Photo: Ian Thomas  

This photo was taken in the infant school yard, although the class spent the whole of the school year 1956/57 in the Church Hall (now Ostreme) along with Mr Pressdee’s class 2B as the post war birth “bulge “ had forced the school to temporarily expand . The year ahead of us were born in 1946/47 and beside the two classes, who also spent Year 2 in the Church Hall, a third class was located in the Methodist Hall in Dunns Lane. A third class was not needed for our year but as you can see, there were 38 class members in this picture.

The faces and names are largely the same as above,
Ian Thomas

About me : I have recently returned to live permanently Mumbles after a 50 plus years absence although my parents and relatives continued to live here so I have been a regular visitor. My brother Neil Thomas has already donated pictures of his school years.

If you can help with names, please contact us

Mumbles Infants Church School, 1956 - closeup

If you can help with any more names 

than those listed under the photo below, please contact us

Mumbles Infants Mixed Church School, 1956 - with many names

Back Row, from left:  4th - Vincent Frazer, 5th - Alan Michael. 6th possibly Paul Beynon. 7th - David Poolton, 8th - Peter Radcliffe, 9th - Johnny Robertson 10th -?? 11th Mike Rosser, 12th - John Adam's. Teacher on left Mrs Cunliffe. 

Backrow, from right: 5th - Mark James, 

Standing at right Susan Gammon with 

Sitting: front right - Peter Cam(m), 

Front row: from right, 4th -Brian Pound 

Comments from our Facebook page:

Jean South née Poolton who supplied information from her brother, age 70.Back Row. 5th from left Alan Michael. 6th possibly Paul Beynon. 7th my brother David Poolton, 8th Peter Radcliffe, 9th Johnny Robertson 11th Mike Rosser 12th John Adam's. 5th from right Mark James. Teacher on left Mrs Cunliffe. 
John Davies‘This is a picture of both year classes in 1956 Infants. I assume it was taken in the autumn term, as some of those were in my year, but I didn't start infants until after Christmas, as did others in my year. Backrow 5th from right is Mark James? (a year older than me and lived in Gloucester place opposite The Vic). Susan Gammon? standing at right end, with Peter Cam(m)? sitting in front of her front right. Stephen Pound (front row 4th from right).’
Gilder Foster, née Frazer ‘I joined the school in 1957 and was the oldest in the class.I think my younger brother Vincent Frazer is 4th from the left on the back row, a redhead with lots of freckles. He is now 70 and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. I was in Oystermouth Primary School at this time and we were taught in the village hall close to the castle (later this was The Ostreme Centre). The following year I was in Maud Woollacott’s class. A good teacher but very scary! Some of the people I was at school with in 1957 were: Brenda Vevers (she has her 72nd birthday in May 2020), Sandra Stroud ( brothers John, and Peter were older she had other siblings as well), Margaret Jones (one of her parents was French she had a brother), Linda Smith, Christine Horton, (we all lived in the Langland/Rotherslade area) and I also remember the Matherson twins.My dad was in the army so I went to 10 schools and 2 colleges but Mumbles was a favourite and happy time at school even with Maud as our teacher.I would love to contact anyone from my year.’
Jennifer Ettershank replied to Gilder Foster née FrazerIt was Mumbles Junior Mixed School classes held in the Church Hall, (Ostreme now) not Oystermouth School which is further up Newton Road. My teacher there, 1950/51, was Mrs Davies. Mr Boyd had the other end of the hall for his class! Then, Miss Woollacott -a terror!

If you can help with any more names, please contact us

Mumbles Church Junior Mixed School, Class 4A, 1956

Photo Robert Wilks. 

Back row, from left: Mr. George Guest, 4th - Carl Smith, Mr. Albert Williams (Headmaster) on the right.

3nd row back, from left: 3rd - Jean Pack, 5th - Hazel Stout, 6th - Rosemary Herbert (the dentist's daughter), 

2nd row back, from left: ? Kay Jepson, Christine Ost, Christine Dale,  

 Front row: far right - Adrian Jenkins, 

Names: Jennifer Ettershank 

If you can help with any more names, please contact us

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, class 1955

Photo: David Wallington 

If you can help with names, please contact us

Mumbles Church Junior School, Rugby Team, 1954/55

Mr Tom Jones Class

Teachers are Mr. Boyd on left, on right are -Mr Presdee, with Mr Albert Wiliams headmaster. In the late 1970s, Albert's son, Alan Williams became the head teacher at Oystermouth Council Infants School.  

Tim Pride (his mother was Edwina Timothy) is 4th from right in back row. Possibly Norman Hopkins (ex Mumbles RFC captain and ex Blackpill Gulf Garage owner ) 2nd from right half kneeling in front. My cousin, Tim Pride says the captain with the ball is Lemuel Morgan.  Names: John Davies

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School  Class J2A  :  June 1953

Headmaster Mr Albert Williams.  Class Teacher:.Miss Jones (Welsh) 

We are grateful for the help of Stuart Batcup, Frank Rott, Graham Piper and Cheryl McDonald and have identified all but one girl in the front row.

Back Row: Headmaster Mr Albert Williams: Martyn Lewis (later TV news presenter): Graham Piper: John Lee: Roger Tancock: Carl Smith: Adrian Burns: Barry Jenkins: Adrian Jenkinson: John Barrington.

Middle Row:  Andrew Ford: Glan Thomas: Roger Honey: Keith Pritchard: Kay Jepson: Pat Davies: Jean Packe: Rosina Webb: Frances McGairl: Stuart Batcup: Frank Rott: Mike Hughes: Kit Jones: Miss Jones (Welsh) Class Teacher.

Front Row: Rosemary Herbert: Hazel Stout: Jackie Wynter: Jane Howard: Susan Twentyman: Carol Couch:   ?     : Pauline Howells: Celia Hoppe: Cheryl McDonald.

If you can help with the missing name, please contact us , Thanks

Mumbles Junior Mixed Church School, Class J2 around 1952

If you can help with any missing names, please contact us

Jennifer Ettershank (nee Sparks) said, 'The school was Mumbles Junior Mixed at that time. this is my class. I am on the end of the second row from the back, in front of Mr Guest.  Such a good teacher and such a relief after Miss Woolacott's class!.'                                 

Jennifer kindly supplied these names to our Facebook page and asks for help to fill in the two gaps.

Back: L to R: Phillip Bergin; ?; Graham Jones; Richard Thomas; Michael Tucker; Roger Beynon; John Ford; John Llewelyn; Leslie Rees

2nd back row: Mr. Williams(Principal);Jean Ricards; Dorothy Macnamara; Glenys Williams; Tracey Wright; Mavis Cadogan; Geraldine Lloyd; ean Howells; Mair Griffiths;  ? ;Sandra Timothy; Jennifer Sparkes (me!); Mr Guest

3rd row: Wendy Marvelly; Audrey Williams; Susam Beese; Mary Willcox; Shirley HIckson(not sure of this one);Bernice?;Judith Radford: Joyce Durk; Pauline Ost; Patricia Davies; Heather Walters.

Front row: David Wood, Hugh John; John Child, Colin Stewart; Derk Balsdon; Roy Griffiths 

Rosie Jones commented:
Love this photo! My dad was Graham Jones (back row third from the left) - He sadly passed away in December 2009. 

Mumbles Junior Church School, c1950

Photo: Jean McDonald 

Mr Williams and Mr Boyd 

If you can help with names, please contact us

Mumbles Church School, c1945

Photo Michael Llewelyn

Mumbles Church School, group of boys 1934 

Photo:  Grafton Maggs

Mumbles Church School, 1933/4

Includes several children from Thistleboon Orphanage

Mumbles Church School pupils in Welsh Costume, c1933

Including Elaine Bladen, third from the right

Mumbles Church School, Concert, c1932/3

The Dancers include Elane Bladen, sixth from the left

Mumbles Church School, Concert at the Church Hall, c1932

The Church Hall was in Castle Avenue and is now The Ostreme Centre

From left to right back row Maurice Williams, Johny Bachelor, Dene Savage, Gerald Balsdon, Woodrow Honey, Desmond Tucker,

front row ? Edwards, Ernie Michael, Ronnie Furze, Alfred Kostromen, Harold Webb, Alan Millichip.

Mumbles Church School, c1930

Includes several children from Thistleboon Orphanage
and Amy King. 3rd from left front row

Mumbles Church School, 1930s

Thought to include several children from Thistleboon Orphanage

Mumbles Church School, Concert, c1928

The Dancers include Elaine Bladen, front right

Mumbles Church School, Standard 5, 1925

 Photo & Caption: Stuart Eley  

Stuart has identified his father George Eley.

If you know the Christian names of any other pupils, please let us know and we will add them to the caption. contact us

Mumbles Church School, 1922, 2nd class

With Headmaster: Mr Clough 

Rose Webbon is 2nd from back row, 4th from right

Photo: Maureen Milton

Mumbles Church School Peace Concert, 1919

Mumbles Church School, 1913

With Headmaster: Mr Clough 

This photo shows the Headmaster during his leasure hours: 

Oystermouth Church Men's Club, 1912/13

The Champions of the Swansea and District Church Mens Billiard League for 1912/13, with : Mr Clough, upper left