Bracelet and Limeslade Bay  collection

Edited by John and Carol Powell

Walks, Views and History

 by Carol Powell MA

These   accounts were obtained   partly from   three people who recorded their experiences in the ... from Mumbles people would have had to climb up the hill at Dickslade or Western Lane,   or take a boat around the headland 

 by Carol Powell MA

These   accounts were obtained   partly from   three people who recorded their experiences in the ... from Mumbles people would have had to climb up the hill at Dickslade or Western Lane,   or take a boat around the headland 
Inside the Old Coastguard Hut in the 1970s

at Tutt Head , Bracelet Bay, Mumbles  edited by John Powell
Everyday Life on Mumbles Coastguard Station
1930 & 1940s by Bet Ogbourne & Pat Symmons ... 

My Life at Mumbles Coastguard Station >  by John Jeffers 

The Mumbles Coastguard Station, then at Westbourne Place, was the Divisional Headquarters. The 'Lookout' on Tutt Hill always known as the 'Tut' was a constant watch station

 by Carol Powell M.A.

 Mumbles Hill and we can continue to enjoy the wide-sweeping views of the bay

Time marches onwards : in 2021, Forte's Celebrated 85 years

They are giving away free ice-cream at Forte's by Grafton Maggs >

Our generation was expert on ice cream in the thirties

formerly Somerset House

By Jan McKechnie

An 1850s walk on Mumbles Hill by A Villager > 

How very pretty the walk up to and over the Mum­ble [sic] Hill. You ascend a narrow, steep, road, commencing in the middle of the village, turn round ... there is a cave beneath it through which you can pass at low water.    

A Thistleboon Childhood by Hilary Mackenzie > 

Mumbles Hill from The Quarry   I was born in a small, square, limestone-walled house overlooking the old village of Mumbles, which nestles close to the shoreline of Swansea Bay ...

On The Turnpike Road To Mumbles and beyond 

By Carol Powell MA

Until 1826, when the Swansea to Oystermouth turnpike road opened, Mumbles had been a small isolated fishing village with no road access around the bay to ... 

 A fantastic sight, The waves on the Mixon


By Carol Powell MA   . . . 

But when the tempests crash and storm fiends roar, and the breakers dash

During the Second World War  coastal defense guns were installed on Mumbles Hill, now a Local Nature Reserve

I served in the WRNS at Mumbles Coastguard Station by Joan Jones > 

Mrs Joan Jones served in the WRNS at The Naval Signal Station at The Tutt, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles . . . 

My mother was an Air Raid Warden at Thistleboon > 

by Michael Llewellyn
.My parents were at the back door of our house on the Mumbles Hill, absorbed by the sound of the bombers and the guns and gazing in awe ..