Bronze Age Wooden Roadway at Oystermouth

by A Villager


Working off the foreshore between Norton and Oystermouth, during February 2012, a group from the Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust consisting of both professionals and volunteers, excavated the remains of what is thought to be a Bronze Age wooden trackway.

The excavations in progress at Norton, Mumbles

A sample of the wood has recently been carbon-dated to the late Bronze Age (3,000 years ago). In those far-off days, the area was marshland and not tidal and the trackway possibly ran accross the marshland, connecting with higher ground out in the bay.

Another prehistoric trackway of this type had previously been excavated during 2009 nearer Swansea and the results of all this work can be viewed using the links to GGAT below.

LINKS To the Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust website, which features their on-going work on this Bronze Age Roadway project:

Also see past dig at -


Information on a Bronze Age Roadway 'dig' on Swansea Beach in 2009 is also available on the site

For more information :

Fishing Weirs in the Parish of Oystermouth by Carol Powell M.A.

Many of us remember the sight of fishing nets way out in Swansea Bay, comprising a series of nets / weares / weirs stretching across the bay

A local prehistoric cairn:

A Forgotten Round Cairn at Newton by H.N. Savory

A prehistoric burial mound on the hill north of Newton

More information:

Ancient trackway

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

Ancient trackway can refer to any track or trail whose origin is lost in antiquity. Such paths existed from the earliest prehistoric times and in every inhabited part of the world. Many ancient trackways can still be seen and walked in the United Kingdom and Ireland.