Oystermouth Schools' class photos

Edited by John Powell

Includes Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, Mumbles

More: Local Schools - collection

More memories of the school and many past pupils have contributed to this page.

More: School - collection

More memories of the school and many past pupils have contributed to this page.

Jan Spooner née Tucker remembers Oystermouth School

Memories of Oystermouth Junior Comprehensive School by Michael Charles

Oystermouth School buildings  Through the years

Do you remember? 

Selwyn Shute Castleton Stores  Oystermouth School Tuck Shop?

The latest update on 26 March 2020 -

Oystermouth School, 1974

The teacher is Mr Thomas, maths.

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE SHOWN?  If you can add names please contact us

Oystermouth Primary School Rugby Team, 1962-63

Oystermouth Primary School Rugby Team, 1962-63

(back row) Stephen Rees, Haydn Coles, Wayne Jones, Mr Charlie Boyd, Neil Thomas, Peter Camm, Anthony Parfitt.

(middle row) -David Russell, Brian Thomas, Robert Thomas, Noel Morgan, Arthur Bevan, David Robertson, Dick Ellis.

(at the front) Brian Pound and Dick Beynon.

Names supplied by Neil Thomas, Cowbridge. 

NEW- Mumbles Junior Church School, 1962-63, Class 3b, Mr Presdee

Back row: (from left) John White, Phil Gavey, Tony? Sivertson, myself (Geroge Lawrence), Richard Budge, John Woolacot,   

Second row: Linda Venn? 3rd. Lyn Kostromin ?, 

3rd. row; 5th. Joan Thomas? Jane Lewis.

Front row: 2nd. Bruce Rolf?, Nigel Ellacott, Bill Hinton, Nipper Thomas?, Paul Beynon?

My Family moved to Mumbles in October 1962 and I and my brother Hugh (2 years younger) attended the school before moving on to Bishop Gore/Penlan schools respectively.

From George Lawrence.

If you can help, please contact us

Oystermouth Secondary School c1962

Back Row           Raymond Williams*,             ?,     Geoffrey Sampson # ( Swansea),                                                 John Trow (Llanelli),      Peter Daniel,    Phillip Morris,    Ian Brewer*            

Middle Row:      Richard Williamson,    Ian Meyrick,     Heather Hughes,    Denise Davies,    

Pauline Dirk (later Lloyd, Langland),     Jennifer Foyle,      Sandra Parsons,    Valerie Williams,    Stephen Hooson,   

Michael Browne  (one of the Brown twins, now thought to be in Llanelli

Front Row:       Kay Harris,    Gillian Eley # (Hampshire),     Elaine Sharples,    Patricia Phillips,  Irene Yates,  Gillian Brown,   Silvia Cole # (Swansea),    Diane Derrick,    Christine Jones,       

Not in Photo:         Phillip Fripp # (Brynamman), Michael Goss # (Killay), Alan Horlick,  Lesley Bobe # (Wimbledon), Gillian Owen # (USA), Richard Dyer (Swansea). 

John Trow has had contact with the names marked  # 

An uncertain identification is marked *

1962 was the year that many listed left Oystermouth School

Oystermouth School, 1962

Back row, L to R

Jeffrey Sampson, Peter Daniels, Stuart Woodman (me), George Gammon, Richard Williamson, Ken Gibbs, Michael Goss, Garfield Morris.

2nd row from back.

Geoffrey Barker (just in photo), Ian Meyrick, Roger Davies, John Thorne, “?”, Phillip Fripp, “?”, Christopher Adams?

3rd row from back

John Thomas, Sylvia Cole, Dianne Derrick, Valerie Williams, Phillip Morris, Heather Hughes, Denise Davies.

Front row

Sandra Parsons, Susan Terry, Irene Yates, Margaret Ryles, Pauline Dirk, Patricia Phillips, Gillian Eley, Christine Jones.

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE NOT NAMED? If you can help, please contact us

Mumbles Church School, Primary, 1961-62

The 3rd year class of Miss Maud Woollacott

(back row) ?  Headmaster, Mr Beynon, Many Thomas, David "Dai" Robertson (Langland Road), ? , John Davies (Castle Road), Stephen Macnamara, ? Noel Morgan,  Neil Thomas (Beaufort Close), Stephen Rees, Peter Camm, Bryn Davies , Elizabeth Davies

(middle row)  Christine Lynch, Jacqueline Richards (Langland Road), ? , ? , David Russell, Martin Jones (Beaufort Avenue)?, Clive Davies, Wayne Jones, Anthony Parfitt (Stanley Street) , Allan Rees (Beaufort Avenue), Neil Irving (Beaufort Avenue)  Diamond , ? , Pauline Marquis.

(front row)    Susan Ripley, Yvonne King (Beaufort Close, Langland), Andrea Davies (Beaufort Avenue, Langland), Lindsay Matheson (?Newton), Davies (?Newton), Miss Maud Woollacott (Nottage Road, Newton), ? ,  Pat Lewis (John Street off Gloucester Place, Janice Cundy (? Woodville Road), ? , Angela Jenkins (Castle Road).

Please add the headmaster's name, which evades me but he had recently taken over from Albert Williams (Father of Alun Williams, also a Mumbles teacher of note).

If you can help, please contact us

Oystermouth School, 1959 

Sent in by Chrissy Harris, née Christine Ashford,

 with an update from her twin sister Carol,who has found an original photograph with the names on the back (many thanks)

Back Row

Stanley Woodley, Norman Hopkins, Graham Kelly, Chris Arnold, Tony Cottle, Michael Williams, Norman Criddle, David Kern, Edward Joseph.

Middle Row

Jackie Bevan, Gaynor Julian, Pat Welsh, Patrica Williams, Valerie Picton, Monica Williams, Peggy Thomas, Gaynor Richards, Sheila Foy, Margaret Saville

Front Row

Gillian John, Carol Ashford, Pauline Alexander, Maxine Hodgson, Christine Clarke, Elaine Thomas, Valerie |Jones, Christine Ashford, Julie Whittaker.


Brian Woodison, Edward Reynolds, Roy Thomas

Oystermouth School, Class 4A, 1959/60

Back row left to right:  Peter Hixon, Winstone Rodgers, David Davies (sleepy as he was called) David Evans, .......?  David Lewis, Tony Bartlett.

Row below from left to right: .....? ......?   Jackie A'hern, Judith Pickard, .......? Cheryle Elecott, ......? ,,,,,,,? .......?

Row below: from left to right: Robert Morris - cant remember rest (all girls) apart for Peter Minty and John Lundy on far right.

Sitting on floor front:Ron Studdon (Me) ........?   Roland (can't remember surname), Ivor Evans, Peter Williams.

Winstone Rodgers now lives in Hove, Tony Bartlett still lives in Mumbles, David Davies lives in Sketty, Jackie A'herne lives in Australia and we met when she came back to Swansea last summer, Robert Morris believed to be in Mumbles. 

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE NOT NAMED?  If you can help, please contact us

Mumbles Junior Church School, 1958 

Details from Denise Large, née Hargreaves, who was at the school from 1956 until 1960.

Rear Row: Unfortunately Denise could not name any of the boys, but they include Hugh Rees, Colin Presdee, David Barrington and Nicholas Whitford. 

(Rob Hole adds: I can see..Steven Thomas (Hole) left, John Billings centre and Roger Judd.right). 

Front row:  (Christine Wroe), Judith Davies, Denise Hargreaves, Janet Rushton, Ann Schropfer.

Miss Maud Woollacott's class, at Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane. 

'Thank you for bringing back such happy memories'. 

Mumbles Junior School, 1958 

by Denise Large (nee Hargreaves)

'I am sitting on the front row 4th from the left (Denise Large, nee Hargreaves). The dress was navy velvet! The girl on the far right in the Welsh costume is my cousin, Ann Schropfer. Ann and I, Denise Hargreaves, were at the school from 1956 until 1960.

I recognise all the faces, but unfortunately cannot name any of the boys. In our class were Hugh Rees, the butcher's son, Colin Presdee, David Barrington and Nicholas Whitford from the shoe repairers and later the shoe shop but I don't know if any of them is pictured.

I think the girl to the left of me in the picture is Judith Davies and sitting between Ann and me,I think, is Janet Rushton. Unfortunately cousin Ann died several years ago so I can't ask her for help, although her brother still lives in Mumbles. Judith died in the Sixties in a car accident, which was very sad.'

If you can help with more names, please contact us

From our Facebook page:

Lyn Mathias, née Hopkins, adds: Christine Wroe front row on the left, Hugh Rees, John Billings and I Think Stephen Thomas( Hole ) in the back. 

Oystermouth School Choir, 1958/9

from Gillian Owen Dickens (USA)who is in the 2nd row from the top, 2nd from right. Chrissy Harris née Christine Ashford contributed these names-

Back row   Valerie Hixon,   Gaynor Julian,    Jacquie Bevan,    Valerie Jones,    Christine Clark,   Margaret Saville,    Carol Ashford,   Valerie Picton,

Are you one of those not named?

If you can help, please contact the editors

Oystermouth Secondary Modern, Rugby Team, 1958

The editor would welcome a better copy of this photo? Please

I remember David Evans, who is in the back row next to teacher. Graham Piper 2nd left back row, David Davies (sleepy) next to him. David Lewis last but one on right. 

Sitting down ......?  ......? Tony Bartlet. Far right Winstone Rodgers.

Kneeling down: Ron Studden (me) and Peter Hixon.

All the names I have mentioned (including me) were a year younger than the rest.  Norman Hopkins (year older) was the captain - I believe he is in Parkmill. Graham Piper in Killay. Peter Hixon still in Norton, or so I've been told.  

Oystermouth School, 1958

Sent in by Chrissy Harris, née Christine Ashford

Back row       Melvyn Davis,   Michael Williams   Graham Kelly,   Stanley Woodley,  Edward Joseph,   Haydn Edwards,   David Kern,   Norman Criddle,   Tony Cottle.

Middle row    ?   Brian Woodison,   Pauline Alexander,   Elaine Thomas,    Pat Welsh,    Christine Ashford (now Chrissy Harris),   Margaret Saville,   Carol Gorman,   Edward Reynolds.

Front row    Maxine Hodgson,   Tegwyn Jackson,   Jacquie Bevan,   Gaynor Julian,  Valerie Picton,    Margaret Crouch,   Carol Ashford,   Julie Whittaker.

Are you one of those not named? or If you can help, please contact us.

Oystermouth School, Class 3A, 1958

Have you  a better copy of this photo? Please

Back Row:     David Davies, Roland...? Winstone Rodgers.  Robert Morris, David Evans   .....?  .....?   John Lundy.

Middle Row:   Peter Hixon, ....? Peter Minty, David Lewis .....?  ......? Ron Studden (me), Tony Bartlett.

Can you remember any of the girls names in the front row? If so Contact Editors

Oystermouth Infants School 1957-58, Miss Cunliffe's class  

(back row) Noel Morgan is in front of Miss Cunliffe, David Webborn?,  ?  , Stephen Nicholls, (possibly Peter Camm)  , Wayne Jones, Anthony Parfitt, Dick Ellis, Stephen Rees. Headmistress: Miss Mary Drummond.

(Middle Row)  Pauline Marquis?,  Andrea Davies, Christine Lynch,   ?  , Ian Ace, Mandy Hopkins?, Russell Jenkins?,.Clive Davies.

The boy standing on the right of the middle row is Neil Thomas (Beaufort Close).

(front row) either a boy whose surname was ? Jenner?, John Theophilus, David Robertson, Arthur Bevan,  Susan Ripley,  ?  , Janice Cundy, Jaqueline Richards, Elizabeth Davies and David Smith.

Neil Thomas has supplied many of the names, but there are still some names missing as well as several names he is unsure of. 

If you can you help, please let me know

Posted from our Facebook page:

John Davies noted: That is my class. I must have been off school that day and have never seen that photo before. I lived about 150 yards away on Castle Road. The boy to the left of Wayne Jones could have been Peter Camm. Another face missing from the class was Angela Jenkins, also of Castle Road. 

Oystermouth School Play, THE MIKADO, 1955

Sent in by Chrissy Harris, née Christine Ashford, who noted that  -

'The School’s production of THE MIKADO in 1955 was directed by the music master Mr. Davis.  The girls made their Kimonos in the sewing class and the boys painted the scenery and the headmaster at the time was Mr. I. Davies.

I have a copy of the school Magazine, called THE BEACON, from 1955, the year when the school went to Pwllheli to take part in the National Eisteddfod'.


Miss Cox - History (accompanied by her dog underneath her desk)

Miss Owen - English

"Bull" - Science

Mr Mcguirle - Woodwork

Mr Aston Geography/Sports (I believe he is still a member of Clyne GC)

Mumbles Junior Church School, class 1955

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE NOT NAMED?  If you can help, please contact us

Oystermouth Infants School, 1955

Mumbles Junior Church School, rugby team, 1955

Mr Tom Jones Class

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, 1953

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane

The Dancers include Elane Symmons, née Bladen, front right

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane

The Dancers include Elane Symmons, née Bladen, sixth from the left

Oystermouth School Soccer Team, 1952

Oystermouth Infants School, Miss Taylor's class 

(last year of infants)  

John Davies, with an update from Neil Thomas, have Identified some pupils and where they lived

(back row) Miss Taylor, Steven Bowden, ? , Angela Jenkins (Castle Road), Brian Pound ,  Stephen McNamara (parents own McNamara's in Newton Road), ? , Headmistress Miss Mary Drummond.

(middle row) David Smith (Castle Road), Jacqueline Richards (Langland Road), Haydn Coles, Pat Lewis (John Street, off Gloucester Place?), David Webborn? , Richard "Dick" Beynon (Woodville Road?), Peter Camm (Devon Place? / Promenade Terrace?), ? Thomas (lived in a flat above the shops in The Dunns, which included Libby’s travel agents, down to Fortes Ice-cream parlour, which were demolished in 1970).

(front row) Christine Lynch , ? , John Davies (me - Castle Road), David "Dai" Robertson (Langland Road), Janice Collier, Janice Cundy (Woodville Road), Gareth ? (Victoria Avenue).

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE NOT NAMED?  If you can help, please contact us


In the background of the photo are the doors of the then United Dairies delivery depot, with its electric powered milk floats which delivered to the Mumbles area.

Oystermouth Senior School 1949/50

Back Row L-R, ?, Margaret Griffiths, Ken Pickard, Penny Hayes, ? , Lynne Leleu, ? , Edna Thomas, Jimmy Dowdle.

Middle Row L-R, Ann - ,  ? , Gloria - , ? , Julia Grey, Mrs. Lavender, ? , Ann Ridd, ? , Mr. Smith.

Front Row L-R, ? , ? , ? , ? , Joan Thomas, Michael Sully, ? , Jacky Ritchie, ? , Tina Kostromin.

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE SHOWN?  If you can add names please contact us

Oystermouth School Dolly Robinson's Choir Class, 1948

Oystermouth School Dolly Robinson's Choir Class, 1948  - With the names.

Oystermouth School Soccer Team, 1945-6

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, c. 1945

A photo from Michael Llewelyn

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, c. 1933/4

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, c. 1930

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, 1930s

From a previous age-

Mumbles Church School, Standard 5, 1925

 Photo & Caption: Stuart Eley  

Stuart has identified his father George Eley.

If you know the Christian names of any other pupils, please let us know and we will add them to the caption. contact us

Mumbles Church School, Dunns Lane, 1922, 2nd class

Rose Webbon is 2nd from back row, 4th from right

Photo: Maureen Milton

Oystermouth Council School, 1920 Standard 3

Oystermouth Council School,1908

Published in the Mumbles News January 1970

and lent by Mrs N. Bennett (nee Thomas) Murton.

Included in the group are:

B. Delve, C. Croome,  H. Tucker, M. Clements, G. Mock, ? Bowen,

G. Lloyd, N. John, W. Pedlar, G. Saunders, E. Edwards, F. Latimer,

F. Saunders, I. Gammon, A. Webb, M. Saunders, E. Saunders,

E. Hughes, C. Brace, N. Thomas, E. Bevan, M. Venn, B. Harris,

N. Ricketts, B. Isaacs, F. Davies.

Teachers: Miss Shepherd, Miss Bevan, Mr Bessant.

From the archive: Langland College

Can you help with a date for this photo or supply any names, please?