Mumbles Marble and Geology Field Guide

Mumbles Marble

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Geology Field Guide

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The Geological Society

by Ted Nield

Gower, the UK’s first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, is a popular destination for geological field excursions because of the wide range of interesting and instructive geological and related geomorphological phenomena that are displayed within a relatively compact area. Sitting at the southern edge of the South Wales Coalfield, Gower rocks - consisting mainly of Devonian and Carboniferous sediments with (possible) Triassic and extensive Quaternary cover - are folded and faulted in a regionally consistent way. Its rocks and structures bear a distinctive relationship to topography, allowing students to establish for themselves through observation a clear sequence of events.

Map- British Geological Survey

Geologic map of Wales and south-west England

Map is based on:

  • British Geological Survey; 2005: Bedrock geology UK South, 1:625 000 scale (5th ed.), HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.

  • Jackson, A.A.; 2005: Bedrock geology UK South, an explanation of the bedrock geology map of England and Wales - 1:625 000 fifth edition, British Geological Survey, Keyworth/Nottingham.

  • Holland, C.H. & Sanders, I.; 2009 (2nd ed.): The Geology of Ireland, Dunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, ISBN: 9781903765722.

Map-Wikimedia Commons

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