Photos of Mumbles Coastguard

Mumbles Lighthouse and the old Coastguard lookout at Tutt Head, Bracelet Bay,  overlooking Bracelet and Limeslade Bays >

Mumbles Coastguard Station at Tutt Head

The ‘new’ Coastguard Station Lookout. Constructed in 1970.

The Station was extended in 1979 and closed in 2015. Later used as offices and stores. The theft of lead from the roof complicated closure plans 

The inside of the old Coastguard Hut at Tutt Head, in the early 1970s, overlooking the Signal Room,. Photo: John Pile. 

A general view of the Bracelet Bay car park in the 1950s, including the old Coastguard Hut and wartime Signal Room as well as the Engine Room, which powered the  WW2 naval searchlights, which guarded the sea.

  • The site of the old café in  Bracelet Bay (damaged in a storm) is now a fine sheltered seating area, with a view over to the café and nightclub (before the appearance of the Castellamere Restaurant) at Tutt Head, The Mumbles. There is a glimpse of the HM Coastguard Station, built in the l970s. 

The old Coastguard Station at Tutt Head,  taken from Mumbles Hill, including the wartime Signal Room. 

Postwar view of Coastguard Station at Tutt Head, Mumbles. A similar view of the Tutt is shown below. 

Limeslade Bay and the roadway to HM Coastguard Station, at Tutt Head, The Mumbles, with Mumbles Hill

The general view, in front of the Coastguard lookout, Tutt Head, overlooking Limeslade Bay, includes Mike Richards, with his parents and sister in the 1950s. Photo: Mike Richards.

The closer views shows a machine gun pillbox in the background, used for defence of the area, during WW2. This is shown being demolished in the next photo in this post. A second Pillbox can be glimpsed on the left of the earlier photo and both are recorded on the hand drawn wartime map. Photo: Mike Richards 

Bracelet Bay and Tutt Head old Coastguard Station. The car park and the road iare overwhelmed with cars this photo, taken in the 1950s,. Overlooking Bracelet and Limeslade Bays >

A closer look at Tutt Head, reveals The WRENS wartime accommodation as well as the two Searchlight Emplacements, later demolished, Photo: 1950s.

The WW2 WRENS Hut, when being used as accommodation  for those who were bombed out in The Swansea Blitz. Later the  site of Castellammare Restaurant (Now The Lighthouse Bistro). Photo C.1950.

The base of a WW2 Naval searchlight emplacement, one of two at The Tutt. With Mumbles Lighthouse Island in the background, which also had two similar emplacements.  More: The Guns of Mumbles Lighthouse Island >

The base of one of the two Naval searchlight emplacements at The Tutt, Bracelet Bay. More: The Guns of Mumbles Lighthouse Island >

Later Developments 

Castellamare Restaurant, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles, (later The Lighthouse Bistro nd Cafe ) with HM Coastguard Station, at Tutt Head, The Mumbles, 1984. 
Castellamare Restaurant, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles, (later The Lighthouse Bistro nd Cafe ) at Tutt Head, with HM Coastguard Station, at Tutt Head, The Mumble
Mumbles Lighthouse and the old Coastguard Station at Tutt Head, Bracelet Bay,  overlooking Bracelet and Limeslade Bays >

Coastguard Lifesaving Apparatus Crew (LSA) 1919.

Mumbles LSA at Practice, 1919. 

Coastguard Cottages, a modern view

A modern google satellite view of the former Coastguard Station cottages 

Mumbles Coastguard Lookout on the hill

The old Mermaid Hotel, Southend Mumbles, c.1870.
A glimpse of a flagpole can just be made out on the hill.  This was the site of the first Mumbles Coastguard lookout, which used an overturned boat as a shelter. 

An anchor point for the first Coastguard flagpole 

This postwar photo reveals the Engine House, which powered the two searchlights on Tutt Head.  A Port War Signal Station during WW2.
There were two searchlight emplacements on Tutt Head, positioned so that they could sweep the surface of the water with their lights. These have been demolished, and only the bases remain.   
Inside the Engine House were Lister generators used to power searchlights. This example is situated on Mumbles Lighthouse Island.
This Cliff top searchlight emplacement is one of two still in place in front of Mumbles Lighthouse. and Fort.
In front of the Coastguard lookout, Tutt Head, Limeslade Bay, Mike Richards, with his parents and sister, 1950s. Photo: Mike Richards.
A closer view of the pilbox in the  background, used for area defence, during WW2, which was  shown being demolished earlier. A second Pillbox can be glimpsed on the left of the earlier photo and both are recorded on the hand drawn wartime map. The building dominating the Tutt is the wartime Signal Room and the Coastguard Hut is glimpsed on the left. Photo: Mike Richards.
WW2 plan showing the defences, with additions in Red.
A group of the WRNS at Tutt Head, on the left is Joan S (Jones),  ‘Visual Signaller WRNS’.
More: I served in the WRNS at Tutt Head > 

and : The Guns of Mumbles Head > 

The old Coastguard Station at Tutt Head,  taken from Mumbles Hill, including the wartime Signal Room. 

Postwar view of Coastguard Station at Tutt Head, Mumbles. A similar view of the Tutt is shown below. 


In November 2003, there was a Barometer situated in the wall outside The Bristol Chanel Yacht Club, Southend, with a Post Box alongside. 

Barometer: measures atmospheric pressure, used in forecasting the weather.

Ronald Studden posted this photo of a Lookout, which may have been sited overlooking Clement's Quarry, Mumbles. 
More information welcomed. 

Coastguard cottages, Westbourne Place . 
The old coastguard houses, about 1930

I served in the WRNS at Mumbles Coastguard Station 

  Mrs Joan Jones served in the WRNS at The Naval Signal Station at The Tutt, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles.

Guns of Mumbles Lighthouse

The Fort on Lighthouse Island as well as The Coastguard at the Tutt 

A collection of three Memories:-   Peter Dover-Wade said, 'I remember well the night of the storm and that on hearing of the tragedy, my friend and I, both sixteen ...'

Congratulations to HM Coastguard which marked its 200th anniversary on Saturday 15 January 2022