Wire Sculpture

MAY 24, 2016

In this assignment, we had to make sculptures—using wire—of an object of our choice.

I started off by finding an object. I chose to use a paint container, since it had an interesting shape, and also because it was readily available. I then began my sculpture; starting from the bottom, I made the base, and worked by way upwards. However, a couple classes in I realized that my sculpture had a shaky base, and I knew that if I continued it, it wouldn't be able to stand. So, I trashed that trial and completely started over—luckily, my second version was much better. I made sure to squeeze the wires tightly together so that they did not wobbled, and I also did my best to remain as true to the original paint container as I could. Since I was absent one class, I did have to stay after school to finish this project, but I managed to do it. To finish it up, I wrote my name in thin wire and attached it to the bottom of my sculpture.

To be completely honest, I hated this project. Squeezing the pliers hurt my hands, and I often got very frustrated when the wires wouldn't remain stable. It was horrible, and I am so glad to be done with it—unfortunately, I think that this dislike is somewhat reflected in my final product. It's not horrible, but it is a bit lopsided and wacky, something which I could have fixed if I had enough time to completely remake this (which I don't). I do think that I did a fairly decent job at making sure that all of the connections between the wires were strong enough to withstand most manhandling, and that nothing look too out of place. Overall, I think that I did a decent job, especially considering the fact that I was very bad at the process.