Zoom and Crop

This assignment was to zoom in on one of the shoe drawings we did and draw it in the first square. I then had to zoom in on that first square and draw it in the second. The last square was a zoomed in version of the second square. I used a pencil for the drawings and a ruler to create the boxes. I chose to zoom in on this part of the shoe because it had detail but wasn't too busy. I wanted the third drawing to be simple and have bigger shapes. The elements of art demonstrated in this drawing are lines and shapes. I didn't change anything about my zoom and crop artwork because I felt that the end result was easy enough to color in for the abstract shoe drawing final product. This project relates to my life because it was my shoe and I transformed it into something other than a shoe. I am proudest of my accurate proportions in each of the 3 boxes. I struggled with keeping my eye on the right part of the drawing as I copied it onto the next box. I think my zoom and crop drawing is my best work and I don't know what I could do to revise it.