Historical Coil Vase

This assignment was to recreate a historical pot out of coils. I chose this pot because it has a lot of intricate details on it and it says a lot about where it came from. I also really like the color scheme used. I started by making the base of my pot. I made a slab to do this. I then started making coils and made the main part of the pot. I then moved on to make the head of the pot, as well as the handles. To make the handles, I used the pull method. To do this, you wet a coil of clay and pull it until it is the length and thickness you want your handles to be. Once I finished making the handles, I blow dried them and attached them to my pot. Once it was done, I realized it didn't really look the same as the historical pot. I think that the shape was different because I didn't have a physical picture of the pot with me while I was making it. I was just going back and forth from looking at my laptop. I think that from now on when I have to recreate something, I will make sure to print out a picture beforehand. When I finished constructing my pot, it was bisque fired. After it was bisque fired, I started to glaze it. I used a variety of dark green, brown, and tan colors. I started by flipping my pot over so that it would be easier for me to glaze the bottom. Instead of using yellow for the bottom, I decided to use a satin color. I started at the bottom and made my way to the top. I decided to keep it simpler than the original because the small details would've been too hard and time-consuming to do in a specific amount of time. I don't have a picture of the final product because it hasn't been glaze fired, but above is a picture of the vase before it was fired.