Three Views of a Shoe

This assignment was to draw your shoe from three different views. I drew mine from a side view, top view and a frontal view. I used pencil for this assignment. The elements of art used in this assignment are line, form and space. We had to draw our shoes by drawing the lines, not the actual shape of the shoe. We also had to pay attention to form and get the proportions of the shoe right. Also, we had to use up as much of the paper as we could. I didn't really revise my artwork because I felt that it looked pretty similar to my actual shoe. The meaning behind the artwork is not to draw something by looking at the object, but by looking at the lines of the object. This artwork related to my life because it is my shoe. I am most proud of my top view of the shoe because I feel I got the texture of the shoe right. I struggled with the frontal view because I didn't know how to draw the pattern under the shoe without it looking messy. I think that I could've made my artwork better if I had really measured the length, width and height of the shoe to make the proportions more accurate