10. Pastel Project

For this project we were tasked with finding a head shoot of a person, grid out their face, and then create a pixelated picture of the major colors in each block. For my picture I took a image of Tilda Swinton and pixelated it. My favorite part of this piece is that I thought I did really well on the shading around Tildas neck. I wasn't that hopeful coming into this project, since blending the colors and matching seemed hard to me. But in the end I was pleasantly surprised. Even though I liked the final product the hardest part was probably matching all the colors up. Sometimes I would add to much pink to a skin color, or her blue suit didn't match. Though in the end it pieced together nicely. If I could change anything I would probably try to map it out better in the beginning. I think because I didn't map it out that well, that accounted for the some of the troubles that I had.