21. Organ and Tissue Donation


A competition piece for the Maine Organ and Tissue Donation competition, the main bases of this competition were to create an image that portrayed the message behind the competition and incorporate the words "organ and tissue donation" into the piece itself. Using regular black ink and two varying shades of red pen; I created this solid color block piece, the image of a hand holding a heart out and the words "organ and tissue donation" boldly printed on the hand itself.

Originally for this project, I was going to have it be a redesigned piece of the donate life poster that I made last year; except this one was going to be a paper collage instead. But not liking the layering effect that the paper was having I decided to scrap the idea and return to a media base that I'm more familiar with; pen ink. Reworking my design to still portray the same theme that I was going for in the beginning, a gift or giving a gift, I decided to base my design around the form of a hand reaching out to give you something; that thing being a heart.

Overall I really like how this piece came out. The minimal color choices and the slight change in the shade for the red ink I think complements the piece really well; the placement of the heart also working out well. I will have to admit, I was a bit worried when I was inking the lettering in this piece. Having doubts about whether or not I wanted to include it inside or outside the hand itself, I glad I chose to include it on the inside. The only thing I would change about this piece if I did decide to revise in the future would be to put it on a non-black background; most likely a darker shade of red as I think that would tie in the piece pretty well.