05. Look Inside

Artist Statment:

For this project we were assigned in making ‘look inside!’. Brainstorming ideas I finally settled on the idea of ‘monsters inside houses’. In this piece I used a wide variety of materials; clay, paint, fake grass, styrofoam, paper and wire. Starting out with my miniature figures, these were made out of clay; along with my houses, which I later painted and layered with paper. The base was made for f styrofoam and fake grass; which was my last addition to this piece along with the tree which I made out of clay. Color, form, and texture all played a role in this piece; all of which can be seen in the actually monster figures themselves. Though I quite enjoy the end product, this product went through many evolutions. Originally I was going to have a whole calisacak (suburbia) filled with monsters in their tiny houses, but have arranging the figures I didn't like how they looked on the platform; almost a bit to cramped and the houses didn't really match each other. Choosing my favorite of the houses I decided to make my project centered around that house and just the monsters be in the atmosphere. ‘Monsters inside houses’ was a theme that had a bit of a meaning behind it, but as the project evolved and left the suburbia idea, the meaning quickly decimated too. Originally it was ‘monsters inside houses/suburbia’ → ‘no matter how normal the outside looks, you never know what's actually on the inside’. I loved working with the miniatures in this piece, a bit reminiscent of my fairy-house building days, and I think the final product came out quite well. If I did go back to further revise I would just probably add some missianilous things; like shrubs, flowers, etc.