Time Capsule Drawings

"My Hand"


Artist Statement

For this project, we were tasked with creating four-time capsule drawings that displayed our skills at the beginning of this year. The prompts for AP Studio Art being: a close up of a body part, an object that represents your past, an object that represents your future, and a crumbled piece of paper. For all four of these pieces, the materials that I used stayed the same. Pencil to sketch and then outlining the final product with black ink; I also choose to add some colored marker in the background or around the border.

For the close up of a body part, I chose to draw my hand palm side up; really focusing on the creases in the hand. Next is a crumbled tissue, which I used for the crumbled piece of paper. And for the object of my past and future, I decided to represent my past with a strawberry and my future with a pen. Summer days spent in the strawberry fields as a child, strawberries are an object that will always appear to me when I'm thinking of my childhood. With the pen, its meaning is diverse. Partially alluding to my present interests, writing and drawing, which I hope to pursue someway in the future; the phrase "I write my own future..." also came to mind when I decided to draw the pen. I didn't face many challenges when I was drawing my hand and the tissue, as I was doing it from life, but with the past and future objects; I did spend some time trying to figure out what would represent each. The pen for the future did form after a while, but for the past, I did have some troubles. With so many objects that can be associated with positive memories from my childhood, it was had to pick one as I found that many were meaningful. Finally choosing the strawberry in the end, I decided spending days in the strawberry fields as a child was the most meaningful memory to me.

Besides being happy with how this four pieces turned out style-wise since they are time capsule drawings, I won't be revisiting or changing anything about these in the future. Portraying both a good sense of my style and skill, when I look back at these at the end of the year I hope to see growth as I compare it to the pieces that I might create in the future.

