
Artist Statement

In this assignment we were tasked with creating a piece around a assigned prompt that we were given; mine being "Draw a person with really long legs, really short arms, and a really big mouth". Starting with a basic sketch on another piece of paper, I wanted to get a rough idea of what I wanted this prompt to look like. Coming up with a draft that I liked, I then began to sketch it out on a piece of watercolor paper.
My formal draft now sketched out, I lightly erased the lines that I drew before going back in with a red pen and watercolor pencils. Only outlining the parts that I was planning on coloring with red watercolor pencil with the red ink, with this method I think I achieved a level of contrast as I didn't outline any other color. After finishing my outline, I did some simple shading and highlighting with the watercolor pencils. Trying to give the form a more 3D than 2D look, honestly I'm not that skilled with shading, but I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. Comparing the final product to the first sketch, not much change except this time I added color and adjust where the figure was facing.
Overall I'm pretty happy with how this piece came out. I think the composition is good and I like the color-scheme that I used; though I will admit, in my mind this piece does seem a bit unnerving. Though I don't think I'll be revising this piece in the future, if I did I think the only thing I would change is adding something to the background. There's a far amount of blank space in this piece, so I think it would benefit if I did decide to add something in the background.