12. Mechanical Paradox Project

Artist Statement

For this piece we were tasked in creating a piece that included both organic and non-organic subjects; making a sort of paradox when they were combined together. Following this criteria, I decided to make my paradox feature two distinct subjects; but with the way they were portrayed you could tell that they existed together in the same environment. Coinciding with each other, and though different, never really conflicting. An atmosphere that oozes ‘destruction’ but my organic subjects showing that brief glimmer of life. Taking from my brainstorm sheet my main materials for this piece were magazine clippings, plain paper, and pen ink. Following the idea that I set for myself about this conflict between different forces of nature, the way that I composed the scene I wanted to make sure that the ‘destruction’ was the physically bigger subject in this piece; the pillars, piping and gray outlining that represent my non-organic subjects therefore portrayed that way. Yet even though atmosphere itself establishes itself as ‘destruction’, the way that I positioned and layered my organic subject in this piece, though more condensed, makes it one of the main focuses. Its imagery increasing as noticeable, if not more, than the darker non-organic atmosphere surrounding it. They are the balances between each other, coinciding but never really overshadowing the other; a true paradox.

Though not material wise, this piece did change a lot over time. Originally the piece was going to be far larger and included more ink in the piece itself; if anything a more distinct atmosphere composition between the organic and non-organic subjects. But as I brainstormed more on the subject I realized that I wanted to make the piece more intertwined; I didn't really want a distinct line between the non-organic and organic subjects, and because of that, the area of my piece decreased as well as I tried to erase this line. My final piece showing the organic subjects and non-organic subjects cohabiting the page with each other.

Following my original theme of subjects, who are physically extremely different, cohabiting with each other, I found that my final piece had a fairly dystopian feel to it; something I was surprisingly fond of. Overall I really like how this piece came out. My whole use of the materials and composition between subjects really growing on me, so much so that I think I’ll be revisiting the materials in the future; the only thing I might revisit on this piece i believe might be the way that I frame/mat the piece. Originally I had it on a plain white piece of paper, but I didn't like how the white conflicted with the piece itself; so I changed it over to black. Though this is noticeably better, at least in my opinion, I still find myself needing to fix something with the matting; something just doesn't look right to me.