6. Text as Art

Describe: For this project we had to take a random word and create a image out of it. Since I picked ‘book’ I decided that my subject itself would be a series of books; each one actually making up the word. I first sketched out the piece, wanting to get the basic designs of the books; looking at old book cover references online. After sketching with pencil, in my final product I only used a ink pen. Line played a big part in this piece, as when I was creating I wanted to make everything very neat and straight; shape was used in the same way. During my time creating this piece, a main focus of mine was to keep things balanced; that's why my details on each cover vary.

Analyze: Grouping was the most largely used computation rule and technique that I used in this piece, quite easily seen since all my covers are grouped together to create the word. Though during the beginning of sketching out ideas for this project, I was going in many different ways. I was trying to be witty, blending the words into something that wouldn't be seen right off the back. but in the end, this was the idea that made the final cut; something I’m glad I did.

Evaluate: When I first got my word, ‘book’, I was a bit disappointed. I had been wishing for something a little bit more creative and challenging to work with. But after coming up with my final sketch for this piece, I was actually pretty excited. I've always enjoyed old cover covers, just because of all the details and imagery that are usually one them; something I wanted to include in my piece. Overall I’m happy with the overall outcome of this work, the different details to each one of the books being my favorite. If I were to change something, I might go in with a red and gold pen and just give some highlights to detail.