9. Find Your Voice (Print Series)

DESCRIBE: For this piece we were to create a print piece about a subject that we felt strongly about; mine being centered around global warming and the environment. As these are prints, ink was the primary material we used; though having to cut out the neodymium block and my slight use of watercolors would also count. Coming up with a sketch of what we wanted our print to look like, we then transfered it onto the block; before carving it out and then applying ink. Since this is a print, it doesn't fit in with all the elements of art and principles of design. But with the bold black ink contrast, emphasis, shape, and space really stand out. Though some color was used for my second print with the watercolor.

ANALYZE: Since these, well mostly, are black and white based; silhouette lighting is a good example of composition rules and techniques that can be seen in this piece. And as this piece has a very central subject, grouping can also be used to describe this piece. When starting out with this project, I went through many rough sketches; but in the end, I settled on this one. Some that did differ from the beginning was that I originally wasn't going to have any words, only the earth on a ice cream cone.

EVALUATE: I’ve always felt strongly about global warming, as I believe if we were gifted such a place like earth, we should take care of it. Knowing this to be a subject that I could express strongly in artwork, I decided to go with it. Having the earth melting on a ice cream cone shows while the effects of global warming might start out slow, they all add up in the end. The phrase “Don't wait till it’s too late.” directly referencing this. In the end I was happy with how my design and prints came out, though revisiting in the future, I would probably try to work towards a more solid ink matte and also probably change up the flowers that I used for my color one; as I don't think those came out the best.