11. Scholastic #3

Artist Statement

The third piece in the assigned series of scholastic prompts, I decided to delve out of my original focus of 'crows' to do a different illustration piece. Using watercolor as my base before layering it with colored pencil and ink to get the finer details, I wanted to play around with lightening for this one. Since the subject is suppose to be at night, I wanted the lightest/most vibrant points to be around the windows of the house; while everything else lacked in colored and was darker. I think I partially completed this. Honestly I feel as though the lighting shows up better when looking at it in real life then at this scan, but overall isnt horrible. In the future, if I decide to revise this piece, I think if a use a gray wash over this piece (except around the windows) it would contrast the lightening more.

Though this piece doesn't follow my original focus for the scholastic prompts, the sketch from beginning to finish didn't change much— the only exception to that being that originally I was planning on having a much more restricted color pallet. Originally I was only going to be using black ink, graphite for gray, a white pen, and a blue pen to color this piece. But as I finished the basic sketch I decided against it.

Overall I'm happy with how this piece came out. Besides the revision that i mentioned above, I'm happy with the composition and color scheme of this piece.