15. Donate Life Contest

Artist Statement

For this project, we were following the prompt of the Maine Donate Life Contest. A contest that allows high school students to create posters that promote organ and tissue donation, the only rules for this contest were to include the words "Organ and Tissue Donation" somewhere on our design.

For my piece, besides the phrase "Organ and Tissue Donation", I also decided to include the words "Keep the body functioning..." and start a theme revolving around that. Using pen ink and watercolor paint for this piece, I created a rather simple design. The cogs that I included meant to connect with 'function', I also included a figure in motion to push this theme more. But since I also wanted to further push the idea of organ and tissue donation, I also included four cogs that showed images inside the body of certain organs that you can donate; those being an eye, heart, liver and regular tissue.

Though I'm most comfortable using watercolor, I feel like this piece would've been better if I did it digitally. Though I like the colors that I used, things are looking a bit washed out. Going digital I know I could fix this problem (and add some more details), but for now, in the future, I'll probably just revise by adding another layer of watercolor to make it more pigmented.