20. Concentration #5


The fifth piece in my concentration series, keeping up with my theme, snakes are again the main focus of this piece. Made with black ink, gold tape, and my own original mixed red ink, the snake was formed by the gold tape while the arm was a collaboration of the red and black ink.

My arm didn't change that much from my original sketches, the form and style saying the same, but the actual design of the snake and its positioning did change. Originally I was going to have the snake be its own separate entity, a paper version wrapping around the arm itself, but decided against it; better liking my new idea of actually creating the snake with gold tape.

Overall I really like how this piece came out. Glad that I finally broke away from my habits of doing portrait style pieces and decided to do something different; while still keeping with my common theme. Finishing this piece it actually gave me a new idea for my next one. Realizing that my hand resamples the mural "Creation of Adam", more precisely the hand of Adam, I'm actually thinking about focusing on the hands in that piece and recreating it with snakes wrapping around them.

The only thing that I would probably change/revise about this piece would be to try to fix the small scratches that I have in the palm of the hand. These appeared after I tried to remove a mistake that I made with black ink but it just scratched up the piece instead. I tried to cover it up with red ink but you can still kinda see the mark that I made.