Submitting a Portfolio

When a portfolio is finalized, you will formally submit the entire portfolio for review and assessment. This process will change the status of the portfolio from Awaiting Submission to Awaiting Assessment. 

Once a portfolio is submitted, it automatically becomes visible to all assessors. You do have the ability to withdraw your portfolio in order to make further changes as long as assessors have not started scoring the portfolio. 

Step 1: While viewing the In-Progress tab on the system home screen, locate the group/class block and click on the portfolio assignment. 

Step 2: While viewing the finished portfolio, click SUBMIT. 

Note: If you are not submitting for review, always remember to select SAVE when exiting the portfolio editor. 

Once a portfolio is submitted, it will return you to the In-Progress screen. The portfolio assignment will no longer appear in the lower portion of the block.

Step 3: To view the status of the portfolio, click VIEW DETAILS.

Your portfolio will now appear on the Activity screen where it will display the current status of the portfolio. After being submitted, the status will appear as Awaiting Assessment. This status will change to Completed when assessors have finalized their scoring and released all feedback to the portfolio owner. 

Step 4: To review the content of a submitted portfolio or assessed portfolio, click on the portfolio title.