Moodle Discussion Forums

How to Navigate the Discussion Forum

This guide will help you with using the discussion open forum on Moodle.

Step 1: Login to Moodle using your MyNaz username and password.

Step 2: Click on the course title from your Dashboard to open and view your course.

Step 3: Click on the title of the discussion forum to open and view the conversation.

Important note: There are two forum types in Moodle, click here if your discussion activity looks like this:

Step 4: Click Add a new discussion.

Step 5: Type in a subject.

Step 6: Type your post. You can also copy and paste your post from another document, such as a Word document. Moodle may time you out after a certain length of time.

Optional: You can insert a file directly from the computer by clicking Choose Files.

Step 7: Click Submit.

Note: It is a good idea to back up all of your forum posts by having them in a Word or Google Docs document. This way, you will have them to refer to in the future.

Note: If your instructor is requiring you to add a file to your discussion post, follow the steps on the Add File to Discussion Forum page.

Note: If you want to subscribe to a discussion forum post [get notifications when a new post has been submitted], go to the Forum Subscription page for steps on how to subscribe.

Need additional help?

Click on the image below to access an instructional video. You will be asked to login using your MyNaz username and password before you can access a video about discussion forums.