Assignment Re-submissions

Viewing Feedback & Re-submitting Assignments

If your instructor has graded an assignment, you can view feedback on the assignment page. Sometimes the feedback may be comments left in the comment box on the assignment page or they may have added comments or notes on a document and uploaded it for viewing. 

To re-submit your assignment, your instructor will need to re-open the assignment for you to re-submit. 

On the assignment page, the attempt number, submission status, and grading status may differ from the example below, however, if the assignment has been re-opened by the instructor for you to re-submit your assignment, the area in the red box with an arrow will appear. You will have the option of editing your previous attempt or submitting an entirely new attempt. 

Note: if your assignment was an uploaded document, it is recommended to submit a new attempt. 

After selecting either "add a new attempt based on previous submission" or "add a new attempt," follow the instructions on Submit an Assignment