Zoom Breakout Rooms

As a participant in a zoom meeting, the host may create virtual rooms for you and other participants to join for smaller group discussions, project meetings, and more. On this page, you will find how to join a pre-assigned breakout room, how to choose your breakout room, and how to join back into the main Zoom room.

Joining an Assigned Breakout Room

When the host has pre-assigned or randomly-assigned participants to breakout rooms, the participants will receive an invitation to join a specific breakout room.

Initial invitation message for assigned breakout room

Message when selecting Breakout Rooms on the control panel after rooms have been assigned

Once you have selected "join" on either invitations, zoom will bring you to the breakout room.

Once in the breakout room, notice that the bottom panel has two specific controls:

  1. "Ask for Help" from the host

  2. "Leave Room" to exit the breakout room and enter back into the Main room or leave the meeting.

Joining a non-Assigned Breakout Room

When a host allows participants to choose their own breakout rooms, a notification will appear from the breakout room control inviting the participant to join a breakout room.

When Join a breakout room is selected, a pop-up will appear showing the breakout room options. The rooms will be labeled numerically by default, but your host may choose to rename the rooms.

The number to the right side of the name of the room indicates the amount of people that have joined that breakout room. Hover over the number of the room you wish to join to show the "join" option. When Join is selected, you will be asked if you would like to proceed in joining the breakout room.

Once you are in the breakout room, you will still have the option to join another room by selecting Breakout Rooms > Choose Breakout Room on the control panel. You also have the option of asking for help from the host.

If you select Choose Breakout Room, the room list will appear and show which room your are currently in. You have the option to join another room.

If you are looking for information on creating breakout rooms as a host, find the instructions on the Faculty Teaching Technologies Site.